Runtime tools : Core components : Web services access : Modules in the Web services access component : The Web services connector
The Web services connector
The Web services connector is used by an processor flow, a pass through operation flow for the presentation server layer, or application code to access Web services.
There are two types of pass through operation flows: the extension of the generic server operation and the Web services access operation. If you are invoking Web services by using the generic server operation, you must do the following tasks manually:
Retrieve the service instance from the context.
Assemble the data for outgoing messages.
Invoke Web services.
Collect data for incoming messages.
If you choose to provide access to Web services for your application by using the Web service access operation, Web services are invoked automatically after you define the .xml files.
Implementation of the Web services connector. shows the implementation of the Web services connector:
Implementation of the Web services connector
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Both the BTTJaxWsConnector class and the BTTJaxRpcConnector class extend the class to inherit the behaviors that are required by a service. Both the BTTJaxWsConnector class and the BTTJaxRpcConnector also implement the interface, which defines the API for a generic Web services connector.
The Web services handler, which is built from the JAX-WS technology, is a message interceptor that can be used at JAX-WS runtime by the Web services connector to enhance the processing and transmission of messages between a application and Web services. Because JAX-PRC does not have a mechanism for message interception, provides the JaxRpcServiceProcessor as well as the Web services handler. In this document, the JaxRpcServiceProcessor and the Web services handler are both referred to as handlers. The following block of code is an example of how to use a handler for the Web services connector:
public class SampleJaxWsConnector extends BTTJaxWsConnector {
public Service createJaxWsService() throws WebServiceException{
if (getHandlerResolver() != null) {
getHandlerResolver().registerHandler(new SampleHeaderHandler());
return super.createJaxWsService();
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Modules in the Web services access component