Runtime tools : Core components : Web services access : Modules in the Web services access component : The Web services access operation
The Web services access operation
The Web services access operation is an server operation that is located on the presentation server side.
Because the Web services access operation is an extension of a operation, the Web services access operation can be used in a similar way to a operation. The Web services access operation enables a application to access Web services and to execute a Web service operation without changing the architecture of the application.
The Web services access component enables a Web services access operation to be executed in a application by passing the following information between a UDTT context and the Web services data model:
The name of the Web services operation to be executed.
The Web services connector that is required to access the Web service.
The ID of the UDTT context.
The data mappers that are required to enable data to be exchanged between a UDTT context and the data model of the Web service provider.
The Web services access operation can be called from a flow processor by using the following two components: the Operation state and the executeOperationAct method.
Relationships between the Web service access operation, the server operation, and the Web service connector
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
As shown in Relationships between the Web service access operation, the server operation, and the Web service connector., the WSAccessOp class extends the BTTServerOperation class to inherit the behaviors that are required by a server operation.
The Web services access operation requires the Web services connector (WSConnector) to enable a application to access a Web service. Because of the dependency between the WSAccessOp and the WSConnector, the WSAccessOp must be configured to work with the WSConnector. For information on how to configure the WS Access Operation using the external definitions, refer to the Defining the Web services access operation.
The WSAccessOp class contains two protected methods that are called to enable a Web service to be invoked: the prepareExecution method and the postExecution method. The prepareExecution method maps data from a context to the JavaBeans of the Web service. The postExecution method then maps the Web service JavaBeans to data from the context. If you want to customize data mappings, you can override the prepareExecution and the postExecution methods.
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Modules in the Web services access component