Runtime tools : Core components : Web services access : Reference : Web services connector external definitions
Web services connector external definitions
connector or connector<ClassName> tag attributes
The Web services connector has the following definitions externalized in the service definition file, self-defined processor or operation definition file:
The identifier of the Web services connector. This is a mandatory attribute.
The class name of the Web services connector that is used by the toolkit to instantiate. By default, there are two classes: BTTJaxRpcConnector and BTTJaxWsConnector. BTTJaxRpcConnector used for JAX-RPC connections, and BTTJaxWsConnector is used for JAX-WS connections.
The target namespace in the WSDL file. This is a mandatory attribute.
The service name in the WSDL file. This is a mandatory attribute.
The port name in the WSDL file. This is a mandatory attribute.
The business interface that is used by a client. For JaxWsConnector, the value is the name of service definition interface which has the annotation of @WebService. For JaxRpcConnector, the value is the name of the interface that extends from java.rmi.Remote. This is a mandatory attribute.
The path for the WSDL file, which can be a URL, absolute path or relative path of the project. This is a mandatory attribute.
A user name for basic HTTP authentication. This is a optional attribute.
A password for basic HTTP authentication. This is a optional attribute.
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