Runtime tools : Core components : Exceptions : Base and predefined UDTT exceptions
Base and predefined UDTT exceptions
DSEException is the base exception for all the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) exceptions. DSEException extends java.lang.Exception. There are five predefined sub UDTT exceptions which extend DSEException.
Predefined UDTT exceptions
DSEException constructors
The DSEException and DSERuntimeException have the constructors. The sub-exception class can call the super constructor to build the self-defined exception.
public DSEException ();
public DSEException (String message);
public DSEException ( Throwable cause)
public DSEException (String aSeverity,String aCode,String aMessage)
public DSEException (String message, Throwable cause)
public DSEException(String severity, String throwingClassName,
String throwingMethodName, String code)
public DSEException(String severity, String throwingClassName,
String throwingMethodName, String code, Throwable error)
public DSEException ( String aSeverity, String aCode, String aMessage)
The DSERuntimeException also has similar constructors.
The field serialVersionUID needs to be defined in DSEException and its sub-classes. This field is used to check the class version compatibility when the class is serialized and de-serialized. Following is an example:
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8010654076478233609L;
//the value can be generated automatically by RAD
Applications or other UDTT components can also define self-defined Exception class by extending from DSEException base class. Besides DSEException, UDTT provides another base exception DSERuntimeException which extends java.lang.RuntimeException, and this exception can be thrown and handled by JVM automatically.
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