Runtime tools : Core components : CHA : Tasks : Setting up the CHA : Setting up the remote CHA
Setting up the remote CHA
Setting up the remote CHA involves setting up the CHA server and configuring the application to use the CHA. Setting up the CHA server is to create the CHAInstance, and CHAControl tables used by the server and deploy the server in WebSphere Application Server. CHA server can work with any one of the three famous Database: DB2 v7.2 or v8.1.4 or above, Oracle 8i, 9i, or 10g, and SQLServer2000 and SQLServer2005.
To set up the CHA server, do the following:
1 Locate the createCHATable.ddl script file for the operating system and database management system you are using for the database. You can find the scripts under the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) installation directory in the following path:
For <op_system>, look in the directory that matches the operating system category on which the database is installed. The directories are:
Unix (for AIX, Linux on Intel, and Sun Solaris)
Windows (for Windows XP and Microsoft Windows 2003)
For <DBMS>, look in the directory that matches the database management system that is operating the database. The directories are:
2 Edit the createCHATables.ddl file and customize the size of the CONTEXT field in the CHAInstance table as needed. For Oracle and SQLServer 2000, there is no need to adjust the size of CONTEXT field.
3 Create the database tables for the CHA.
For DB2:
From a DB2 command line prompt, create database called SAMPLE in DB2 Command Window using the following command:
Use the CD command to go to the directory containing the createCHATables.ddl file you just edited.
Connect to the database in which you want to create CHA tables. For example, suppose the user/password for database SAMPLE is db2admin/admin, use the following command to create the tables in the SAMPLE database:
Create the tables using the following command:
DB2 -tvf createCHATables.ddl
For Oracle:
In a sqlplus_command_line, use the cd command to go to the directory containing the createCHATables.ddl file you edited.
Connect to the database in which you want to create CHA tables. For example, if you want to create the tables in the sample database, use the following command:
sqlplus> connect userid/password@sample
Create the tables using the following command:
sqlplus> start createCHATables.ddl
For SQL Server:
Open the SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
In the Enterprise Manager, select Tools > SQL_Query_Analyzer.
In the toolbar, select the database in which you want to create the CHA tables.
Open the createCHATables.ddl file you edited.
Copy the contents of the createCHATables.ddl file into the Query window.
In the toolbar, click Execute Query.
4 Generate EJB to RDB mapping.
For DB2:
In J2EE perspective of Rational Application Developer, right click the BTTCHAEJB project, then select EJB to RDB Mapping > Generate Map.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
In the dialog box that pops up, select Create a new backend folder and then click Next.
Select Top-Down and then click Next.
In the dialog box that pops up, complete the Target Database, Database name, and Schema name fields. Clear the Generate DDL checkbox, and then click Finish.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
For Oracle:
Import BTTCHAEAR.ear file into your Rational Application Developer.
Right-click the BTTCHAEJB EJB project, and select Generate > EJB to RDB Mapping. When a dialog box pops up, click Next.
In the next dialog box, select Meet in The Middle and click Next.
Fill in the information needed to establish a JDBC connection, and click Next.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Select the table for import, and click Next.
Select the Match By Name, and Type option and click Finish.
The Rational Application Developer workspace will look like the following screen capture:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
From the workspace, drag CHAInstance from Tables View to CHAInstanceForRoot in Enterprise Beans View.
From the workspace, drag CHAInstance from Tables View to CHAInstanceForSession in Enterprise Beans View.
From the workspace, double-click the MYDB1_SCOTT_CHAINSTANCE.tblxmi file to open it. Change the data type of ISROOT column from NUMBER to SAMLLINT.
Likewise, double-click the MYDB1_SCOTT_CHACONTROL.tblxmi file to open it. Change the data type of HASCTXTREEcolumn from NUMBER to SAMLLINT.
Save all the modifications.
Export the workspace as BTTCHAEAR.ear.
5 Prepare deployment. In the J2EE perspective of Rational Application Developer, right click the BTTCHAEJB project, and then select Prepare for Deployment.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
6 Deploy the BTTCHA.ear into WebSphere Application Server. The deployment settings vary according to the different databases.
For DB2:
From the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console, select Environment > WebSphere Variables to configure the variables for DB2.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
From the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console, select Security > Global Security, then select Authentication > JAAS Configuration > J2C Authentication Data, and create a new entry.
Fill in the username and password for accessing DB2. This creates the J2C Authentication Data Entry for DB2.
From the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console, select Resources > JDBC Providers to create a new a new user-defined JDBC provider using the following parameters:
Classpath: ${DB2_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/
Implementation Class:
The environment variable DB2_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH must have a correct value.
Restart the WebSphere Application Server.
Create a Data Source for the JDBC provider and fill in the following properties:
JNDI Name: the default value is jdbc/CHADataSource
Container managed persistence: select the check box
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Component-managed Authentication Alias: choose the Authentication Alias created in step 6.b.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Container-managed Authentication Alias: choose the Authentication Alias created in step 6.b.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Specify databaseName for the Data Source. Use default values for other properties.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
From the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console, install BTTCHAEAR.ear. Select DB2UDBNT V8.1 as the database type and fill in JDNI Name field with jdbc/CHADataSource.
From the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console, start the CHA server. If the WebSphere log file, SystemOut.log, has no any error message, the CHA server starts successfully.
For Oracle:
From the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console, select Security > Global security, and then click Authentication > JAAS Configuration > J2C Authentication Data, and create a new entry.
Fill in the username and password for accessing the Oracle database. This creates the J2C Authentication Data Entry for Oracle databases.
From the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console, select Resources > JDBC Providers to create a new JDBC provider by selecting Oracle JDBC Driver (XA).
Create a Data Source for the JDBC provider and fill in the following properties:
JNDI Name: the default value is jdbc/CHADataSource
Container managed persistence: select the check box
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Component-managed Authentication Alias: choose the Authentication Alias created in step 6.a
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Container-managed Authentication Alias: choose the Authentication Alias created in step 6.a
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Specify URL for the Custom Properties for the Data Source. Use default values for other properties.
From the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console, install BTTCHAEAR.ear.
Note Select ORACLE 10g as the database type and fill in JDNI Name field with jdbc/CHADataSource and choose to use default bindings.
From the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console, start the CHA server. If the WebSphere log file, SystemOut.log, has no any error message, the CHA server starts successfully.
For SQL Server:
to download a Connect 3.3 driver. Do the following to install the driver:
Open the file, which is part of the JDBC driver you downloaded.
Copy the sqljdbc.dll file from the zip file to the <SQL Server root>/binn directory. For example:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn
Use the ISQL utility to run the instjdbc.sql script from the zip file. The DOS prompt syntax for doing so is:
>ISQL -U sa -P sa_password -S server_name -i location\instjdbc.sql
sa is the SQL Server system administrator user ID, sa_password is the password for the system administrator, server_name is the name of the server on which the SQL Server is running, and location is the full path to the instjdbc.sql script. For example:
>ISQL -U sa -P mypasswd -S Ojai -i c:\instjdbc.sql
Note The instjdbc.sql script generates many messages. These messages should be benign and can be ignored in most cases, but you should review the output for any messages that indicate an installation/execution error. The last message should indicate that instjdbc.sql ran successfully.
Start the SQL Server Distributed Transaction Coordinator. After you start the Distributed Transaction Coordinator you'll see the This graphic is described in the surrounding text. icon in front of the Distributed Transaction Coordinator in the SQL Server Enterprise Server Manager.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
From the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console, select Security > JAAS Configuration > J2C Authentication Data.
Fill in the username and password for accessing the SQL database. This creates the J2C Authentication Data Entry for SQL databases.
From the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console, select Resources > JDBC Providers to create a new JDBC provider by selecting WebSphere embedded ConnectJDBC driver for MS SQL Server (XA).
Create a Data Source for the JDBC provider and fill in the following properties:
JNDI Name: the default value is jdbc/CHADataSourc
Container managed persistence: select the check box
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Component-managed Authentication Alias: choose the Authentication Alias created in step 6.c.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Container-managed Authentication Alias: choose the Authentication Alias created in step 6.c
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Specify the following Custom Properties for the Data Source:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Use default values for other properties.
From the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console, install BTTCHAEAR.ear.
Note Select MSSQLSERVER_2000 as the database type and fill in JDNI Name field with jdbc/CHADataSource.
From the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console, start the CHA server. If the WebSphere log file, SystemOut.log, has no any error message, the CHA server starts successfully.
An application must contain the CHA facade and other related classes contained in the BTTBase.jar and be configured so that the CHA facade can find the CHA server before it can use the CHA.
To set up an application to use the CHA, edit the system configuration files (btt.xml) for the client and server side of the CHA to configure the following settings:
ejbInitialContextFactory - provides the value for the InitialContextFactory parameter when creating the javax.naming.InitialContext for JNDI lookup. The default value is, which is the value for Rational Application Server.
CHASessionHome - provides the JNDI name of CHASession Session Bean. The default value is ejb/com/ibm/btt/cha/ejb/CHASessionHome. This value must be the same as the JNDI name used to deploy the CHASession.
EJBProviderURL - specify the CHA server location: iiop://hostname:2809. The user can change 2809 to other RMI port numbers.
CHASessionLocalHome - provides the local reference for the CHASession entity bean. The default value is java:comp/env/ejb/CHASession. Except for the prefix of java:comp/env/, the setting value must be the same as the EJB local reference for the deployed CHASession (ejb/CHASession) bean.
CHAInstanceHome - provides the JNDI name of the CHAInstance CMP. The default value is ejb/com/ibm/btt/cha/ejb/CHAInstanceHome. This value must be the same as the JNDI name used to deploy the CHAInstance.
CHAInstanceLocalHome - provides the EJB local reference of the CHAInstance CMP. The default value is java:comp/env/ejb/CHAInstance. Except for the prefix of java:comp/env/, the setting value must be the same as the EJB local reference for the deployed CHAInstance (ejb/CHAInstance) bean.
CHAControlLocalHome - provides the EJB local reference of the CHAControl CMP. The default value is java:comp/env/ejb/CHAControl. Except for the prefix of java:comp/env/, the setting value must be the same as the EJB local reference for the deployed CHAControl bean.
initTailContextName - identifies the root context when initializing a context tree. The default value is "", which means the initialization is not performed. If the setting contains a valid value, the startup bean initializes the context and its children. If the setting value is not valid, an error occurs and the CHA server does not start. The server side only must have this setting.
isLocalCall - indicates whether the CHA façade (EJB client) accesses the CHA Server (EJB container) using the EJB local reference. The default value is false. If set to true, the values of the CHASessionLocalHome and CHAInstanceLocalHome settings set for the CHA facade must be the same as the EJB local references for the CHASession and CHAInstance.
CleanupCHAServer - cleans up the CHAInstance table, CHAChildren table, and CHAControl table when the value is set to true.
startMode - identifies the start mode of CHA. "PersistenceShared" means using remote EJB and database persistence. "MemoryShared" means using only remote EJB without database persistence.
<kColl id="settings">
<kColl id="cha-server">
<field id="ejbInitialContextFactory" value=""/>
<field id="CHASessionHome" value="ejb/com/ibm/btt/cha/ejb/CHASessionHome"/>
<field id="EJBProviderURL" value="iiop://localhost:2809"/>
<field id="CHASessionLocalHome" value="java:comp/env/ejb/CHASession"/>
<field id="CHAInstanceHome" value="ejb/com/ibm/btt/cha/ejb/CHAInstanceHome"/>
<field id="CHAInstanceLocalHome" value="java:comp/env/ejb/CHAInstance"/>
<field id="CHAControlLocalHome" value="java:comp/env/ejb/CHAControl"/>
<field id="initTailContextName" value="branchServer"/>
<field id="cleanupCHAServer" value="true"/>
<field id="isLocalCall" value="false"/>
<field id="startMode" value="PersistenceShared"/>
If a servlet or EJB calls the CHA facade and they are in the same EAR file as the CHA server, the facade can use the local EJB interface. To set up the CHA facade to use the local interface to access the CHA EJBs:
1 In the btt.xml file, set the value of isLocalCall to true.
2 In the servlet or EJB that calls the CHA, establish the EJB local reference for the CHAInstance and CHASession EJBs.
If the servlet or EJB are not in the same EAR file as the CHA server, the facade must use the remote EJB interface. To set up the CHA facade to use the remote interface, set the value of is LocalCall to false in the client side btt.xml file.
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Setting up the CHA