Runtime tools : Core components : CHA : Tasks : Using the CHA
Using the CHA
In CHA, both remote context and local context use the same interface to interact with application. To establish a context, you can create it from the external definitions passed by the CHA server side or create it dynamically without any external definition. To use CHA, you need to create a context and invoke the methods of the context.
Note Remote contexts are cached in static hash map in CHA server side, and will be kept in memory until they are committed into DB or pruned. If more and more remote contexts are created but not cleaned from memory in time, WAS memory will be continuously increased, thus CHA performance will be impacted. Remote contexts created in the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) framework will be cleaned automatically by the UDTT framework itself. Make sure that you prune the unused remote contexts when you create them in your applications.
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