Runtime tools : Core components : Data cache service
Data cache service
The data cache service enables remote flow mapping data temporary caches. It uses the Websphere DynaCache service, which can store and access cache data across server nodes.
UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) has a standard interface for this data cache service.
Definition of RemoteFlowCacheService
public interface RemoteFlowCacheService {
* Put the remote flow mapper data into shared cache, this method is internally called by BTT framework
* @param key Generated by BTT internal, it is a prefix + parent processor ID
* @param value remote flow input/output mapper data
* @throws DSEException
public void put(String key, Object value) throws DSEException;

* Get the remote flow mapper data from shared cache, this method is internally called by BTT framework
* @param key Generated by BTT internal, it is a prefix + parent processor ID
* @return remote flow input/output mapper data
* @throws DSEException
public Object get(String key) throws DSEException;

* Remove the cached data after it is consumed by BTT.
* @param key Set by BTT internal, it is a prefix + parent processor ID
* @throws DSEException
public void remove(String key) throws DSEException;
You can use the interface to implement a third party data cache service. UDTT includes data cache service based on Webshpere DynaCache.
To enable the data cache service
Set the ImplementClass property in Settings of btt.xml configuration:
<kColl id="remoteFlowDataCacheService"">
  <field id="enableCache" value="true" />
  <field id="ImplementClass"
         description="Default remote flow data cache by WAS dynaCache" />
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