Runtime tools : Runtime Tools : Problem Determination Trace : Example Problem Determination Trace configuration
Example Problem Determination Trace configuration
The following is a configuration example in btt.xml. In this example, Problem Determination Trace is configured to output to SystemOut together with the standard trace but only when a critical error occurs.
<kColl id="PDTrace">
<field id="PD_Trace_Mode"value="ON_MUTE"
description="ON_MUTE | ON_DIRECT | OFF , the PD trace mode"/>
<field id="Write_Target"value="SYSTEMOUT"
description="LOG4J | SYSTEMOUT , the writing target of trace"/>
<field id="BTTLog_Output"value="ON"
description="ON | OFF , whether output traditional BTT log together with PD trace"/>
<field id="Buffer_MAX_Size"value="102400"
description="Max trace line count of buffer for ON_MUTE mode"/>
The following image shows an example of a SystemOut file where both Problem Determination Trace and standard trace have been output following a critical exception.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also:
Configuring Problem Determination Trace.
Using Log4j2 as target for Problem Determination Trace output.
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Problem Determination Trace