Runtime tools : Service components : Communication services
Communication services
All the communication service components provided in the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) implement the Common Communications Service interface ( This interface works with the interface that each communication service provides according to its unique operating requirements. Its use ensures that an application can be easily switched from one communication service to another. In most cases, this switch can be accomplished by simply modifying the service definition files.
Communication services that implement the CommonCommunicationsService interface will support both synchronous and asynchronous modes. Events are used to give notification of changes in internal status, messages, and errors. Synchronous mode only supports events that signal changes in status (for example, opened and closed events).
The following toolkit communication services implement the CommonCommunicationsService Interface:
MQ Connector (MQConnection service)
These communication services can use the Communications Pool to reduce overhead by allowing multiple users to share connections. The JCA SNA Connector communication service does not implement the CommonCommunicationsService Interface.
MQ Connector
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Service components