Runtime tools : Service components : JCA SNA Connector : JCA SNA LU0 Connector : Tasks : JCA LU0 Sample Code
JCA LU0 Sample Code
The application can call the CCI interface to send or to receive message synchronously. By using the MDB that implements the Lu0MessageListener type, the application can also receive unsolicited Inbound message asynchronously. The Connector also provides a way to send outbound message by using a special CCI verb ASYNC_SEND_RECEIVE, and then receive the message asynchronously in MDB.
Using LU0 Lu0InteractionSpec Verbs
Using CCI for Outbound Communication
Inbound communication for solicited message
Inbound interface for unsolicited message
Code Page Convert
Get Session Status
Get SNA Message Indicators
SNA LU0 session affinity
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