Runtime tools : Service components : JCA SNA Connector : JCA SNA LU62 Connector : Reference : Supported session protocols
Supported session protocols
The following table lists the protocols that the SNA JCA LU62 Connector uses to create and use an LU to LU session and provides information on the values you should use.
LU to LU session protocols
Conversation type
The connector uses the MAPPED conversation type.
The managesResponse parameter determines whether the connector (true) or the connector's client application (false) handles the responses.
The following are the conversation states for sending and receiving messages. The normal flow for these messages is half-duplex flip-flop.
The connector is in the RECEIVE state after it performs a successful connectionFactory.getConnection(establishConversation) with the outgoing attribute set to false.
The connector is in the SEND state after it performs a successful connectionFactory.getConnection(establishConversation) with the outgoing attribute set to true. If the connector receives an Lu62Message after SYNC_RECEIVE(readData) has the CDI attribute set to true, the application enters the SEND state and is able to send data because its partner has entered the RECEIVED state.
The SYNC_SEND(sendAndPrepareToReceive()) method sends the data to the partner and causes the local LU to enter the RECEIVE state.
Conversation deallocation
The application must issue the closeConversation() method only when the connector is in the SEND state. Before the application finishes, it should properly close any conversations it used. If the application finishes without closing the conversations, the sessions and Lu62Conversation could end abnormally.
SNA pacing values
The recommended pacing value is 0. Other values may have a negative impact on performance.
Server security support
The Communications Server provides session security for the LU62Conversation. Both sides of the session have the session security password defined and the connector and its client encrypt and exchange the password when establishing the LU-LU session.
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