Runtime tools : Service components : Database services : Database Table Mapping : Tasks : Registering stored procedures
Registering stored procedures
The JDBCServicesAdministrator provides the static methods registerProcedure() and dropProcedure() to register a new stored procedure in the database and to drop a stored procedure from the database.
The registerProcedure() method takes a single argument: a string with the SQL definition of the stored procedure (see the CREATE PROCEDURE statement in the SQL Reference). Because of a JDBC interface restriction, the JDBCTables service is not able to distinguish between stored procedures registered with the same name but with different parameters. Therefore, if the application tries to reuse an existing stored procedure name to create a new stored procedure, this method will throw a DSEInvalidRequestException even if the parameter list is different from the existing stored procedure.
The dropProcedure() method takes a single argument: the stored procedure name. If the stored procedure does not exist in the database, the method will throw a DSEInvalidRequestException.
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