Runtime tools : Service components : Smart channel services : Smart data collector : Server collector : Dynamic extension data map for the server collector
Dynamic extension data map for the server collector
Smart data collector supports dynamic map request data for visit and behavior. Users can collect extension data besides the basic collected data. For example, when user executes the transfer transaction, you can configure the basic behavior data, including userId, behavior type, service name, behavior time. By the dynamic map, you can collect more detailed data about the transfer transaction, such as accountFrom, accountTo, amount. Refer to the general steps in Server collector, and configure the map data as following codes:
<map Injection="dataMap"> <entry key="acctFrom" value="accountNumber"></entry> <entry key="amount" value="amount"></entry> </map> </SmartCollectorConfig4Transaction>
1 The “entry” list in the dataMap map should be consistent with the id of the request page.
2 After the behavior data including the extension data is collected, a record is saved in the BEHAVIOR_LOG table; two records will also be saved in the BEHAVIOR_EXT table, the NAME field are the value of the entry, the DATA field are the value of the entry.