Runtime tools : Service components : Rule provider services
Rule provider services
Rule providers are implemented as UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) services, which provides the common interfaces to visit rule engines, including ILog and Java Code rule engine.
Rule provider services must implement the IBTTRuleProvider interface, and extend the UDTT Service class. checkRule method in IBTTRuleProvider connects to the rule engine, and check the policy. ILogRuleProviderService and JavaCodeRuleProviderService are both extended from IBTTRuleProvider. ILogRuleProviderService provides a default implementation to access local ILog Rule Engine. To access remote ILog or Java local rule engine, you need to extend JavaCodeRuleProviderService yourself The following codes give an example to use these services:
IBTTRuleProvider ruleService= (IBTTRuleProvider) Service.readObject("testIlogJ2SEService");

Loan loan = new miniloan.Loan(50000000, 240, 0.05);
Borrower borrower =new miniloan.Borrower("Joe", 600, 80000);
Map<String, Object> inputParameters=new HashMap<String, Object>();

inputParameters.put("loan", loan);
inputParameters.put("borrower", borrower);
Map result =ruleService.checkRule(inputParameters);
To use the Rule Provider Service, you need to:
Configure the service
Prepare the parameter
Extending the Java code rule provider service
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Service components