Runtime tools : Service components : Generic Pool : Reference : Generic Pool external definitions
Generic Pool external definitions
In the service definition file (dsesrvce.xml), the Generic Pool service tag (GenericPoolService) has the following attributes:
GenericPoolService tag attributes
Toolkit service identifier.
Name of the class that implements Poolable. The Generic Pool service instantiates this class and initializes it in the Vector.
Name of the service (identifier) that implements Poolable. The Generic Pool service instantiates this service and initializes it in the Vector (XOR with className).
Number of Poolable objects instantiated when the pool is initialized.
Maximum number of elements the pool may contain. The pool size never exceeds this number.
Number of milliseconds before the Generic Pool service attempts a retry if an instance of the requested Poolable is not available. If the retry does not succeed, the Generic Pool service returns a value of null to the application. The service retries only once.
A value of 0 means no retries. The default value is 2000 (2 seconds).
Time in seconds that occurs between occurrences of the resizing process. The resizing process reduces or increases the pool size depending on the number of concurrent request since the last resizing process. The pool size never exceeds the maxPoolSize value and never falls below the size value.
The default is 0, which means the pool is not resized.
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