Runtime tools : Service components : LDAP Access Service : Tasks : Using the LDAP Access Service from an application : No externalized data
No externalized data
For applications that do not externalize input or output data, request models must be created and populated, and response data must be explicitly handled. In this case, do the following:
1 Obtain a request model.
2 Populate the request model with data.
3 Initialize the service.
4 Carry out the request.
5 Obtain the response model.
6 Use response data.
The code is as follows:
LDAPLookupRequest request = new LDAPLookupRequest();
request.setName("cn=John Doe,ou=Finance,o=XYZ Corp,c=US");
LDAPService service = (LDAPService)Service.readObject("aLdapService");
LDAPResponse response = service.performRequest(request);
(At this point the application can read and use the result of the request from the response object.)
The following is a complete example of utilizing the LDAP Access Service using no externalized data:
LDAPService aService = null;
LDAPRequest request = null;
LDAPResponse = null;
/* configure the service */
/* obtain request model */
request = new LDAPLookupRequest();
/* set input data */
request.setName("cn=Ted Geisel,ou=Finance,o=XYZ Corp,c=US");
/* utilize the service */
response = aService.performRequest(request);
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Using the LDAP Access Service from an application