Runtime tools : Service components : LDAP Access Service : Reference : LDAP data collection definitions : Output data collections
Output data collections
LDAP output data elements
Data Name
Data Type
Used By
Short Description
Holds data returned by the list request.
Holds data returned by the listbindings request.
Holds data returned by the lookup request.
Holds data returned by the search request.
Holds data returned by the getattributes request.
The output data collections contain data mapped from 'native' LDAP objects. The following section describes the contents of each of these collections.
The listResults collection contains an indexed representation of the results returned from the LDAP server for a list request. Each of the results contained in this listing has the following two attributes:
name - the DN for the result.
classname - the name of the class (Java or otherwise) being used to represent the data entry.
To access the name attribute of the first result in the list, use the following:
The attributes for the first result are also stored in the top-level object, so that to get the name attribute of the first result in the collection you could also use the following:
The listBindingsResults collection contains an indexed representation of the results returned from the LDAP server for a listbindings request. Each of the results contained in this listing has the following three attributes:
name - the DN for the result
classname - the name of the class (Java or otherwise) being used to represent the data entry.
object - the DIT may contain an actual object being used to implement the data entry. If it does, this object will be returned by LDAP, and is stored in this attribute.
To access the object attribute of the first result in the list, use the following:
The attributes for the first result are also stored in the top-level object, so that to get the object attribute of the first result in the collection you could also use the following:
The lookupResults collection contains the result returned from the LDAP server for a lookup request. It holds the following attribute:
object - the object being used to implement the data entry in LDAP for which we performed a lookup
To access this attribute, use the following:
The searchResults collection contains a list of the results returned from the LDAP server for a search request. Each result represents a data entry and contains at least the following five attributes:
bindName - the DN for the data entry.
className - the name of the class (Java or otherwise) being used to represent the data entry.
class - the class (Java or otherwise) being used to represent the data entry.
object - the object being used to implement the data entry
attributes - the attributes of the data entry (stored in a object)
To obtain the className attribute of the first result, use the following:
In addition, the attributes of the data entry are also stored in the result object, for easy access.
Note LDAP may return multiple values for an attribute. If all values are required, they should be accessed through the attributes of the result (see above). So to access the first value of an attribute named cn, for example, you would use the following:
The getAttributesResults collection contains the attributes returned from the LDAP server for a getattributes request. Each of these attributes is represented by a collection as well, with the name of the collection being the same as the attribute, and its contents being all the values for the attribute. So for example, if a getattributes request returns the attributes cn, and telephonenumber, and telephonenumber has two values '1-800-921-3345' and '1-703-453-0098', and you wish to access the second telephone number value, you would use the following:
Note There are no output data collections for create and destroy requests, because no data is returned from JNDI for them.
The following is the externalized definition for output data (in the data and context definition files):
<kColl id="ldapOutData" dynamic="true">
<kColl id="listResults" dynamic="true"></kColl>
<kColl id="listBindingsResults" dynamic="true"></kColl>
<kColl id="lookupResults" dynamic="true"></kColl>
<kColl id="searchResults" dynamic="true"></kColl>
<kColl id="getAttributesResults" dynamic="true"></kColl>
<context id="ldapOutCtx" type="operation" parent="nil">
<refKColl refId="ldapOutData">
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LDAP data collection definitions