Runtime tools : Service components : Web Messaging service : Client side – How to use WebMsg widget
Client side – How to use WebMsg widget
UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) provides a hidden widget WebMsg for client-side usage.
1 Set properties of WebMsg. WebMsg has these properties:
uid, the user id of this terminal/browser, leave it empty to avoid receiving private message(send via sendPrivateMsg method)
Topics, the topic list which this user is interested in, will receive the message send to the topics(send via publishMsg method)
receiveBroadcast, set this to true to receive broadcast message(send via broadcastMsg method)
2 Listen to the inbound web message via listening onWebMessage event of WebMsg widget in ECA rule editor
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Web Message Object can be used in condition(editor) and action(editor) of ECA to handle the received inbound web message. It has two properties:
topic: the topic name of the received message
value: get the message value via this function property, it need the qualified ID of the attribute in the message
For example:
for the message, {type:”example”, data:{field1:”f1”, field2:false}}
The qualified ID of field1 is : “data.field1”
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Web Messaging service