Runtime tools : Service components : Remote cache service : How to use the remote cache : Access data by using RCacheOperation
Access data by using RCacheOperation
If you use RCacheOperation, you can access data from the cache without writing any code.
In the following example, the operation reads data from the cache, located by using a key from the current context, and stores the data in the local element quota:
1 Define the operation with RCacheOperation (or its descendants) as implClass, see class RCacheOperation.
Note You can control the write and/or delete behaviors with the return value of this method.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Define the cache operation (read, write, or delete) by using the parameters (remoteCache and remoteKey) of the related data element.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also:
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How to use the remote cache