Administrative functions > Creating and maintaining Quanvert databases > Creating a multiproject database > Matching element texts in Quanvert multiproject databases
Matching element texts in Quanvert multiproject databases
Quick reference
To instruct Quantum to match the text of particular elements whose text is not identical between sub-projects, type:
on the axis elements.
More information
Sometimes, for different sub-projects of a Quanvert database, you might want to change the text of particular elements but still want those elements to be matched as the same variable. The keyword uniqid can be used on axis elements in the Quantum program to provide an association between the different element texts.
For example, if you have an axis:
l potato
+hd=Which type of potatoes do you prefer?
but, in another database, this is specified as:
l potato
+hd=Which type of potatoes do you prefer?
n01French Fries;c=c232'3'
When you create the multiproject database, you choose to merge the databases on the element text or on element position. Using the above examples as they stand, you would not get the desired result if you want Chips and French Fries to be counted together. This is because the texts of the two elements are different and so they are taken to represent different elements.
However, using uniqid, you could rewrite these axes as:
l potato
+hd=Which type of potatoes do you prefer?
l potato
+hd=Which type of potatoes do you prefer?
n01French Fries;c=c232'3';uniqid=Chips
Note You only need assign a unique identifier to the element(s) whose text might change. uniqid must be present in all databases in the multiproject, so you must assign it in the first database to any element whose text might later change.
To create a multiproject database matching on unique identifiers, when you create the multiproject database, select the merge on element text option. The multiproject program compares the element texts of the master database against the element texts in the sub-projects in the following way:
For any elements in the master database that have uniqids, the program looks for the same identifier in the sub-projects, and matches on that.
For any elements in the master database that do not have uniqids, the program looks only at the element texts in the sub-projects which do not have an identifier specified, and matches on that.
Note The uniqid references are ignored when you select the Merge on element position option when you create the multiproject.
See also
Creating a multiproject database