Administrative functions > Creating and maintaining Quanvert databases > Selecting projects from a multiproject database
Selecting projects from a multiproject database
A multiproject database may contain data from projects conducted on different subjects, in different areas or over different periods of time. When a user runs Quanvert Text or the Quanvert Create Utility on a multiproject database, the program needs to know which of the component projects the user wants to work with during the current session. For example, in a multiproject database whose component projects are january north, january south, february north, february south, and so on, the user might choose to work on all component projects, or all january projects, or all north projects, or any other combination of their choice.
Normally, Quanvert Text and the Quanvert Create Utility display a list of component projects on the user’s screen at the start of each session, and then wait for the user to select the projects to be used during the session. The user can choose any combination of projects by tagging each one individually or all projects by tagging the group as a whole.
If there are a large number of projects, only some of which are required for the session, it can take time to work through the list selecting the ones you want. One way round this is to use a project selection file, containing references to the component projects you want to use during the current session. If this file does not exist, Quanvert Text and the Quanvert Create Utility display the list of component projects as usual.
You can create the project selection file by using a text editor. The file must be called mfwaves.line where line is the last two characters of the line number to the computer for Quanvert Text and where line is the user ID for the Quanvert Create Utility. Type the project names in a list either separated by spaces or on new lines.
For example, to select the projects january and february, the mfwaves.line file should contain:
See also
Creating and maintaining Quanvert databases