Advanced tables and statistics > Creating a table of contents > Using the default layout
Using the default layout
To obtain a table of contents, type:
tabcon -o tofc
This saves the formatted table of contents in a file called tofc.
There are a number of parameters you can use with tabcon to control how the table of contents is formatted and printed.
–f file_name
Format the table of contents according to specifications in the named format file.
Keep all intermediate files. By default, tabcon deletes the intermediate Quantum files it uses. If you have previously flipped the job for use with Quanvert, and you then run tabcon, you will find that some of the files needed by Quanvert have disappeared. Using –k when you create the table of contents prevents it from deleting these files.
–o file_name
Write the table of contents to the named file. The default is to display the table of contents on your screen. On systems which allow it, you can use an output redirection parameter instead of –o. On UNIX systems, for example, you could type:
tabcon > tofc
Send the formatted table of contents direct to the printer. The default is to display it on your screen. This option is not available on Windows.
Underline using proper underline characters rather than hyphens (the suitability of this type of underlining will depend on the capabilities of your printer).
Print a summary of how to use tabcon.
See also
Creating a table of contents