Advanced tables and statistics > Creating a table of contents > Format file > ord statement
ord statement
The ord statement defines the content and layout of each line in the table of contents. Its format is:
where options is a list of keywords from the list below separated by semicolons.
Print n blank spaces between this and the next column. Use this keyword as many times as you need.
Print the table base in n spaces.
Print base titles in n spaces. This keyword is overridden by non10 or nobasettl on the a statement.
Print the table’s page number in n spaces.
Print the table number in n spaces.
Print, in n spaces, any titles selected by the sel statement.
Defining the line layout
You define the line layout by typing keywords from this list in the order you want the items to appear in the line.
For example, if you want the line to contain the page number in a field five spaces wide, the table number in a field three characters wide, and the table title, and if you want each field to be separated by three blank spaces, you would type:
If your ord statement includes both title and basettl, but only one is defined with a column width, the other title is printed in whatever space remains on the line. If both options are present without column widths, tabcon takes the amount of space remaining after other columns have been allocated and divides it equally between the two sets of titles.
Default ord statement
The default ord statement built into tabcon is:
This prints:
The page number in four spaces.
The table number in five spaces.
Titles whose types are defined on the default sel statement.
The base title.
The table base in six spaces.
Each column is separated by one space.
If you reduce the page width on the a statement but do not define a new ord statement, tabcon automatically adjusts the program defaults so that they fit the new page width.
See also
Format file