Tables and axes > Creating tables > Options on the tab statement
Options on the tab statement
All options that are valid on the a statement, apart from dp and netsort, are also valid on a tab statement. Since tab is the fourth level down in the hierarchy of the tabulation section, any option occurring at a higher level is overridden by that same option at the tab level. Thus, dsp set globally can be overridden by nodsp for a specific table; dec=2 set globally can be reset to dec=1 for the current table only.
The exception to this is the option c= which is additive at lower levels. If a group of tables has the condition c=c12’1’ and one of that group of tables also has the condition c=c15’6’, that table will only include people for whom both conditions are True (that is, c=c12’1’.and.c15’6’).
For information about the options that are valid on a, sectbeg, flt and tab statements, see Options on a, sectbeg, flt and tab statements.
Additional options which can be used at tab level are:
This is used with analysis levels to define the level at which cell counts are to be incremented for the table.
For more information on analysis levels, see Table creation level.
This assigns an identifier of up to six characters to the table for use in table manipulation or special T statistics.
For more information about table manipulation, see Referring to tables in the current run
For more information about special T statistics, see Special T statistics.
Selects a table for use in a percentage difference calculation. The other table in the calculation must be marked with either op=A or op=B. The calculation of differences can be based on rounded or unrounded percentages. The default is to use unrounded figures. Type keep=print to use rounded percentages or keep=value (or just keep) to use unrounded percentages.
Selects a table for use in a percentage difference calculation. The other table in the calculation must be marked with keep. If the current table is marked with op=A, Quantum will calculate differences by subtracting the percentages for the current table from the corresponding ones of the kept table. If the current table is marked with op=B, the differences are the results of subtracting the percentages in the kept table from those in the current table.
For further details on percentage differences, see Percentage differences.
Cross-tabulating data variables
See also
Creating tables