Converting Quantum data and programs with qtspss
Quick reference
To create a qtspss data description and data set, run Quantum using the version that does not delete its intermediate files (or use the –k option with the standard version). Then type:
qtspss [–p=language]
language is the one to three character code of the language required for the output. Translations must be available in this language in the ptf file.
More information
qtspss is a postprocessor to Quantum which converts a Quantum program and data file into an SPSS data description file with a transformed data set which matches that data description. There are two ways you can benefit from this program:
▪You do not have to write the SPSS specification to match the raw data (this would be the procedure without qtspss).
▪Any complicated editing done in the Quantum edit is already implemented in the SPSS data set.
See also