Data editing > Data correction > On-line editing commands > Displaying columns in the record
Displaying columns in the record
Quick reference
To display the record being edited, type:
di [column(s)]
More information
Quantum displays any messages associated with the write or require statement finding the error, but does not automatically display the record itself. It also displays an arrow prompting you for a command. To display the full record in its current state, type display or di. The whole record is displayed underneath a ruler, as with the write statement.
Sometimes it is easier to see the error if you print out the incorrect column or columns separately rather than looking at the whole record. To see a column or field only, just follow the di command with the numbers of the columns you want to see. For example:
di c10
displays column 10
di c(115,130)
displays columns 15 to 30 of card 1
Column fields may be entered as just two column numbers separated by a comma, the parentheses and the C being optional. Thus, the second example could equally well be written:
di 115,130
When a single column is displayed, the individual codes comprising a multicode are shown, but when fields are displayed, a ruler is printed and multicodes appear as asterisks (*). For example:
-> di 25,35
+--- 3 ---+
613*9 2 144
-> di 28
In the first example, the asterisk represents a multicode, whereas in the second example where only one column is displayed, the codes 1, 5 and 9 are a multicode in column 28.
See also
On-line editing commands