Data editing > Data correction > On-line editing commands > Creating and deleting cards
Creating and deleting cards
Quick reference
To add new cards to the output data file, type:
ad card_num1[card_num2 ... ]
To remove cards from the output data file, type:
rm card_num1[card_num2 ... ]
More information
The add command adds new cards to the output data file and rm removes cards from it. To add a card type, type add or ad followed by the number of the card type to be added. If you are adding several different cards at once, separate the card type numbers by spaces. Quantum will then set the appropriate thisread variable to be true so that the new card type will be written out with the rest of the data. Thus:
-> ad 3 4
will set thisread3 and thisread4 to be true so that the new cards 3 and 4 will be written out. Each card will contain as many columns as the record length defined for the current run. If the C array already contains data for a card 3 or 4, Quantum issues an error message to this effect.
Removing cards is exactly the same, except that the appropriate thisread variables are reset to false to prevent the unwanted cards from being written out. It does not alter the data in your original data file. If you try to delete a card that is not currently in the C array (that is, the thisread variable is already false) an error message is displayed.
See also
On-line editing commands