Administrative functions > Error messages > Compiler errors
Compiler errors
Incorrect statement type
You have probably mistyped or incorrectly specified a parameter on an edit statement or a card/column reference on a tabulation statement.
Keyword has spurious characters at end
Keywords must be followed by spaces.
Only digits 0-9 allowed in numeric field
Integer or real keyword is outside permitted range
The value associated with the keyword is higher or lower than is permitted.
Keyword not identifiable
Keyword cannot appear on this statement
tt or tb must be followed with l, r, c, or a digit
Duplication of . or / in real number
Real numbers may contain only one decimal point.
Denominator of fraction is zero
Too many axes specified on statement
Only two axes may be named on add, div, sid and und statements.
Bad dimensionality of tab statement
All tab statements, other than those for grid tables, must name between two and six axes. Statements for grid axes name one axis followed by the word grid.
Limit of number of axes in run exceeded
Increase the limit by setting the axes parameter in the maxima.qt file. For more information, see User-definable limits.
Statement cannot occur within axis
Axis name is multiply defined
You have two or more axes with the same name.
Too many tt statements in axes
An axis must not contain more than eleven tt statements.
n card - nxx - xx not acceptable integer
There is no n statement with this number.
Axis never defined
One of your tables uses an axis which you have not yet created. Possibly, you have created it but have given it a different name.
Too many elements in axis
The default limit for the number of elements in an axis is 500 elements, with n25s counting as three elements. You can increase the limit by setting the elms parameter in the maxima.qt file. For more information, see User-definable limits.
Set of g cards not followed by p card
Each set of gstatements must be followed by a p statement defining where numbers should be printed for each column defined on the g statement.
Too many g cards in group
An axis may contain up to 20 g statements overall.
Total width of g cards too wide
g statements may be up to 400 characters wide.
Insufficient p fields
You have defined more columns on your g statement than you have marked on your p statement. p statements must define the same number of columns as the corresponding g statements.
Too many p fields
You are pointing to more fields than have been defined on the previous group of g statements.
Invalid or duplicate name for named filter
You have used the same name twice with different conditions.
Too many named filters
100 named filters are allowed.
Unknown named filter
You have used a named filter which has not been created. Possibly you have created it, but have called it something else.
Number of p card points does not match axis def
The axis defines more elements than there are columns defined on the p statement.
More entries on col card than allowed by ord
There are only 12 positions in each column — your col statement thinks there are more.
Cannot recognize right side of =
Quantum cannot understand the expression following the = sign.
This statement cannot have a condition
The option =expression is not valid on this statement.
$ or ’ missing or not in matched pair
Codes for a single column must be enclosed in single quotes; strings of codes for a field of columns must be enclosed in dollar signs.
p/q multipunch specification incorrect
Ranges of codes must be entered in the order &-01234567890-&.
Incorrect keyword beginning .
Unanalyzable text in expression
Quantum cannot understand what you have written - check that you have $, ’ and () in the correct places and that you have spelled all keywords correctly.
Wrong number of numbers or illegal range in val field
Check that all ranges are specified in the form min–max, and that no number has more digits than the field you are referring to; for example, no numbers greater than 99 in a 2-column field.
Cannot parse expression
Check that you have written the statement correctly and that you have not inserted additional punctuation where it is not necessary.
Unbalanced parentheses in expression
Each opening bracket must be followed by a closing bracket, and vice versa.
Incorrect i:j construction in list
Ranges are defined as min:max or min/max.
Incorrect entry in list definition
Lists may only contain characters, whole numbers and ranges of whole numbers. However, the type of variable which is accepted depends on the type of variable you are checking.
Incorrect text to left of .in.
The .in. operator may be preceded by data, integer or real variables.
Explicit or named list must follow .in.
The list must be a series of numbers enclosed in parentheses, with numbers in the list being separated by commas. Alternatively, .in. may be followed by a name identifying a list defined previously with definelist.
( expected after variable name
Cells in an array must be referred to as varname(cellnum) unless the array size is followed by the letter ‘s’ in the variables file.
) expected but not found
All subscripts must be enclosed in parentheses.
Error in string type logical condition
You have written a logical expression incorrectly.
Improper c=- or c=+ condition
c=- and c=+ cannot be combined with any other condition: they must stand alone.
Cannot open specified file
You have either named a file that does not exist or you do not have read access to the file.
Improper col or punch definition
Symbolic parameters are defined as col(a)=nn and punch(p)='p'.
Too many defines
You have defined too many column, code or text symbolic parameters. You can have 31 column, 31 code and 14 text parameters, although you can increase the limit for text parameters if you want. For more information, see User-definable limits.
Text substitution generates line too long to handle
Lines may be a maximum of 200 characters long. You have defined a text string which, when substituted into the line, makes the line longer than this.
No = in text substitution
You’ve forgotten the equals sign in the statement which assigns a text value to a variable.
Extraneous characters at end of condition
Cannot understand stat=chi sub-keyword
You have made an error when specifying the options for the single classification chi-squared test. Perhaps you spelled an option incorrectly or omitted the brackets.
0 value label
You have misspecified a label number or have omitted it altogether.
Multiply defined label
You have used the same number to label two or more different statements.
Too many labels in run
There is a maximum of 500 labels per run.
Go to not followed by label
Spurious character at end of edit statement
If not followed by condition
No proper terminating ) in condition
Label never defined
The label named with go to or do does not exist.
Do label previously defined
Labels named on do statements must refer to statements which come after the do statement, not before it.
Else without preceding if
Emit/delete incorrectly specified
Variable is not of expected type
Do loop not terminated
You have probably forgotten to put a label in front of the statement which terminates the loop. Alternatively, you have used the wrong label number on the do statement or on the statement which terminates the loop.
Improper specification of do loop
Do loops nested too deeply
Loops may be nested to a depth of 25 levels: that is, 25 do statements before the innermost loop is terminated.
Rqd val must be between 1 and 7
= expected in set statement
You have either omitted an = sign in an assignment statement, or you have written another statement incorrectly, so that Quantum thinks it is an assignment statement.
Cannot interpret set statement
Valid but unimplemented facility
The statement you have tried to use does not yet exist.
Incorrect specification of partial column move
Codes to be moved must be in the same relative positions in the two columns.
Cannot set field to single col constant
You must enter as many characters as there are columns in the field. Use blanks or zeros if necessary, or deal with each column separately.
Improper subscripted variable
Subscripts must be whole numbers or integer variables.
Incompatible string lengths of assignment operator
Punch expected
Quantum expected a code (for example, ’1’).
= missing in keyword
Incorrect specification of variable
Improper left side of real column assignment (no or incorrect :)
When real numbers are saved in real character variables, the notation :dp must follow the variable name to show how many decimal places are required.
Premature end of file
Quantum has reached the end of the file before finding the end of your program.
Bad format in definecol statement
Level specified is undefined
All levels must be defined in the levels file. Possibly you have misspelled the level name in your program or in the levels file.
No analysis level specified
All tables and axes created from hierarchical data must have an analysis level defined with anlev=.
Uplev must be below anlev in hierarchy
The level named with uplev is higher than that named with anlev.
Too many levbases in axis
A maximum of 16 are allowed.
Function name must be followed by (
Too many vertical lines specified
A maximum of 30 vertical lines are allowed.
Process can only specify lower level in hierarchy
The level named with process is higher than that on the previous ed or level statement.
Second col spec must be greater than first
Column specifications must be entered with the lowest column number first, for example: c(1,10)
Missing ser= and/or crd= in levels file
The serial number and card type columns for hierarchical (trailer card) data must be defined in the levels file so that Quantum knows when the end of the record or read occurs.
No parent level specified
All sublevels must name their parent in the levels file.
C variable expected
Celllev must be above anlev in hierarchy
The level named with celllev is lower than that named with anlev.
No multiplier specified on n25
You have forgotten inc=.
Number of endsorts does not match number of subsorts
You have more endsorts than subsorts, or vice versa. If you find that you do have matching pairs, check that each one is separated from the element text and other options by semicolons.
wm must precede all tabs
Incorrect number of cells in weight matrix
You have defined more weights than there are cells in the tables which use this matrix, or vice versa.
Incorrect number of weighting axes
The tab statement which uses this weighting matrix has more axes than you have named on the wm statement, or vice versa.
Base cannot be on col/val card on weighting axis
Use an n10 or n11 instead.
wm must be integer between 1 and 9
Duplicate id on weight matrix
You already have a weighting matrix with this number.
Weight matrix used but never defined
You have forgotten to define this matrix, or you have called it something else.
Cannot resolve grid axis
Check that you have defined the values for symbolic parameters correctly.
Keyword cannot be in top half of grid axis
The notations ca00 and 'p' cannot appear in the top part of a grid axis. Only col(a)= and punch(p)= are valid. The top part of a grid axis defines the values to be substituted in place of the symbolic parameters.
Keyword must be in top half of grid axis
col(a)= and punch(p)= must appear in the top part of a grid axis. Only use ca00 and 'p' in the bottom half to pick up the values of the symbolic parameters.
No ‘side’ statement in grid axis
Row and column definitions must be separated by a side statement.
Cannot have fac=/scale=/percentile= on same tab or element
Improper col( )= or punch( )= spec
Second half of grid axes can only have one n25
Punch( )= not allowed on col cards when within grid axes
Use n01s instead.
Incorrect form of priority statement
Incorrect entry in ttord/beg/end statement
Add or bnk must follow 2-d tab
Only 2-dimensional tables can be added or banked.
Too many rej=0s in axis
You can have ten elements in an axis with rej=0 for each element with rej=1.
Rej=1 without preceding rej=0
Keyword can only occur on a ‘basic’ row
Basic rows are those created directly from the data, that is, n10, n11, n01, n15 and their counterparts on col, val, fld and bit statements.
Illegal characters following ‘ed’ statement
Only level names defined in the levels file may follow ed.
Variable subscript out of range
You are trying to refer to a non-existent cell in an array; for example, brand(10) when brand has be defined as having only 6 cells.
Illegally defined variable subscripts
Subscripts may be whole numbers or integer variables.
M card must have an ex= option on it
Quantum needs to know how to manipulate the data in order to create this element.
Missing text after keyword
Reverse polish stack full
There is no room to store the rest of the axis manipulation expression. Increase the limit by setting the environment variable QTMANIPHEAP to the desired value or by setting the manipheap parameter in the maxima.qt file. For more information, see User-definable limits.
Reverse polish stack empty
The manipulation expression has not been converted into anything.
Invalid expression following ex=
Unbalanced parentheses
Each ( must have a matching ), and vice versa.
Unexpected comma in expression
Incorrect number of arguments for function
You have enclosed to many or too few items in the parentheses.
Element text or identity name not defined
Non numeric element specified
Only elements which create numbers can be manipulated.
Null text due to empty quotes
Only constants allowed in braces
A manipulation expression enclosed in braces defines the values to be placed in the row or table. These must be numbers, not variables.
Unbalanced braces
Each { must have a matching }.
Illegally defined element
Element out of range
Invalid identity name
IDs must start with a letter and may be up to six letters and/or digits long.
Too many variables
The default limit for the number of named variables and inc= statements in a run is 867. You can increase the limit by setting the namevars parameter in the maxima.qt file. For more information, see User-definable limits.
Invalid wttran statement
Invalid expression on ex card
Missing = in scale keyword
Missing = in inc keyword
Element id or named filter name too long
Element IDs cannot be more than six characters and named filter names cannot be more than 15 characters.
Unfinished expression
Null element on col/fld/bit card
You have typed two or more consecutive semicolons. Delete one of them or insert an element text.
Invalid character following U statement
U may only be followed by 1, 2 or 3.
U statement can only appear after G statement
Bad syntax of font= definition
Font number out of range
Invalid sub-keyword on font= definition
Reserved variable name
You have used a Quantum keyword or a C language term as a variable name. This is not permitted.
Variable not defined
Variables must be named, and their dimensions defined, in the variables file or somewhere in the edit before they are used.
Invalid character in variable name
Only letters and numbers are allowed. Names must start with a letter.
Invalid character in axis name
Letters and digits only allowed and axis names must start with a letter.
Null or ambiguous order= on struct card
This keyword can only appear once per axis
Invalid or reserved name on subroutine statement
The items named within the parentheses must be variables. You have used something that is not a variable.
Non-unique name on subroutine statement
You have two or more subroutines with the same name.
Too many different include files
A maximum of 200 include files is allowed.
Setting/comparing different numbers of columns
There are more columns in the variable on the right of the = sign than there are in the variable on the left.
Named variable defined after executable statements
Variables used by subroutines must be defined in the variables file or before the ed statement. Variables defined after ed cannot be used in subroutines.
Illegal parameter format on subroutine statement
Items within parentheses must be separated by commas.
Illegally defined or undefined subroutine parameter(s)
You have either forgotten to define one of the variables in the parentheses, or you have defined it incorrectly.
Illegal format for filedef statement
Illegal format for report statement
Illegal file type
File types are Data, Print and Report.
Merge type must be between 1 and 6
Non-existent merge file specified
You are trying to merge data from a file that does not exist. Check that you have typed the correct name.
Too few/many merge files specified
You must name between 1 and 13 files.
Necessary merge info missing from struct card/levels file
You have not said where the serial number/card type/sequence number is.
Multicard job may not have reclen= greater than 1000
Too many inc=’s specified
The default limit for the number of inc= in a run is 600. You can increase the limit by setting the incs parameter in the maxima.qt file. For more information, see User-definable limits.
Inc=’s names too long in total
The default limit for the number of characters for storing the names of inc= variables is 12000. You can increase the limit by setting the incheap parameter in the maxima.qt file. For more information, see User-definable limits.
More than 6 ex cards before and card
A digit must follow NET/NTT/NETEND
Nets may be nested, so Quantum needs to know the level at which this net should be created/terminated. Top level nets are defined with net1, subnets with net2, and so on.
Missing NET level
Net levels must be numbered sequentially from 1 to 9. You cannot skip from, say, net1 to net3.
Netend keyword may only appear on last element of col/val card
If you want to end a net with an element which is in the middle of a col/val statement, split the col/val statement up and write that element with an n01.
Null statement
You have an extra parenthesis at the end of a statement, or two adjacent commas or semicolons with nothing in between.
Too many levels
Up to 9 levels are allowed with hierarchical data.
Axis name truncated to seven characters
Syntax error
require = needs more than one condition
If you only want to check that one expression is true, use require (expression) instead.
Spare (unused) message number
Incorrect specification of inc( grid variable
Inc must be followed by a number in parentheses when used in a grid axis.
Assignment of illegally overlapping columns
Online statement found without punch or split statement
Without a punch (write) or split statement to create the clean and dirty data files, corrections made with the on-line edit facility are lost as Quantum never alters the original data file.
Function can only have one element
Call fprint replaced with call qfprnt
Struct card found after edit section
The struct statement must appear before the edit section so that Quantum knows how to read the data into the C array.
Logical expression too long
The limit on either the complexity of an edit statement or the complexity of a definelist has been exceeded. You can increase these limits by setting edheap and inlistheap to higher values. For more information, see User-definable limits.
Invalid digit following and
Only digits 1 to 6 may appear with and.
Do loop may not follow if condition
Do loops may not be part of an if or else statement. If you want the loop to be executed for certain records only, use if with go to to route ineligible records around the loop.
First report filedef must not be in subroutine
Remove the filedef from the subroutine and place it at the start of the edit section.
reclen= greater than C matrix given after C matrix definition
C subscript < 99 with multi-card job
Multicard records are read into columns 101 onwards of the C array. c(1,100) contain the first card of the next record or the next trailer card of the same type as that just read (for example, a second card 2). To process your data correctly, change the subscript so that it refers to a card type and a column (for example, c123 for column 23 of card 1).
%c= or %rej found on col/val/fld/bit statement
The codes which represent elements defined using col, val, fld and bit are implied by the element’s position on those statements, or as part of the element definition. c= is only valid on n statements.
Don’t confuse rej=0/1 which are used to reject records belonging in one element from a second element, with =rej which counts respondents not present in any previous element in the axis. rej=0/1 may be used on col, val, fld and bit statements as well as n01s; =rej is not valid on n01s.
Illegal flag ‘no’ or ‘-’ on keyword
You have tried to switch off an option by preceding it with ‘no’ when this is not valid for that keyword.
Illegal extra text on keyword
Missing text on keyword
Illegal format following inc= or alpha
This message indicates that you made an error when you specified an inc=, a namedinc or a namedalpha. inc= must be followed by an arithmetic expression. namedinc must be followed by a data spec that gives an integer or float result. namedalpha must be followed by a column spec that defines one or a range of columns.
a card found with no tab or wm statements
The a statement defines global options for the tabulation section of a Quantum run. If your run is an edit-only run, remove the a statement from your program.
Illegal combination of keywords on struct statement
You have mixed options which refer to single-card records with options which refer to multi-card records.
Overlapping serial cols and card type cols
Serial and/or card type in columns >100 with multi-card job
B statement obsolete - please use struct
First tab is add or div
Add and div statements must follow a tab statement - check that the first table is defined on a tab statement.
Add or div tab has more cells than original tab
When tables are added together or divided, Quantum counts the number of cells in each table and adds or divides cells in corresponding positions (for example, cell 4 of the tab table is divided by cell 4 of the div table). It does not take account of the position of the cells in the printed output. In order for cells to be added or divided correctly, tables defined on add or div statements must be the same size as the parent table. If the add/div table is larger than the parent table, insert dummy elements in the parent table to pad it to the required size.
Sid tab with too many/few rows
The notes for message 204 apply.
Und tab with too many/few cols
The notes for message 204 apply.
Sid or und refers to multi-dimensional tables
These statements may only be used with two-dimensional tables.
Sid and und cannot be mixed in same table
Real constant cannot be used as subscript
Subscripts must be whole numbers or integer variables, or data variables which contain valid whole numbers.
Cannot set col() = blank in grid
An include file cannot start with a continuation
Stats element has no elements on which to calculate statistic
Check that the stats element is preceded by at least one n01, col or val statement.
n30 must have monotonic series of fac= values
Percentiles created with n30 use the factors defined on the previous elements with fac=. These factors define the highest point in each range and must be defined in sequential order. Check that you have defined a factor for each element and that they appear in sequential order.
If you are trying to calculate percentiles using the values in the data, use an n01 with inc and percentile=.
Stats element has no preceding n25 or elements with fac=
Either add fac=to the individual elements or put inc= on the n25.
Add or div table has fewer cells than original tab
The notes for message 204 apply.
Keyword duplicated
You have used the same option twice on the same statement.
Construct of the form c(cM,N) or c(M,cN) found
Remove the c from inside the parentheses.
Ed statement found after start of tabs section
If you want to include edit statements inside the tab section, they must be enclosed between #ed and #end statements.
Reclen with value > 100 found
Ex= may not be used on stats element
Spare (unused) message number
Startlev/changelev not yet available
ttord/beg/end=base and baft may not both be specified
Either remove end from the ttbeg/end/ord statement or remove baft.
Tab anlev is at higher level than axis anlev
Either change the tab anlev to be the same as that on the axes and add celllev=higher-level to the tab statement, or change the axes anlevs to match the tab anlev and putuplev=lower-level on the axes. Which you do will depend on the sort of counts you want to see in your table.
Illegal sequence of statements in tabs section
All tab statements must be entered before axes are defined. flt statements must precede the tab statements whose filters and conditions they define.
n30 and stat z1 must have non-zero fac=
The factor on the n30 defines the percentile to be calculated (for example, fac=10 for the first decile). The z1 statistic compares the values in a row against a given percentage. You have either omitted the factor/percentage, or it is zero.
Invalid statistical test
Invalid table for statistical test
Your table does not have the correct dimensions or contain the correct information for the type of test you are requesting.
No base row
The statistic you are requesting requires a base row.
No base column
The statistic you are requesting requires a base column.
No (n12) mean
The statistic you are requesting requires a mean element.
No (n17) standard deviation
The statistic you are requesting requires a standard deviation element.
Wrong number of basic count rows
The table contains too few or too many basic count rows (that is, n01/n15/n10/n11/ col/val/fld/bit).
Wrong number of basic count columns
The table contains too few or too many basic count columns (that is, n01/n15/n10/n11/col/val/fld/bit).
Axis not tabulated by itself on Z-Test type 4
Statistical test requires base element in axis
Wrong number of basic count elements
Unrecognized entry in stat= keyword
The statistic you have named with stat= on the tab statement is not a table-level statistic.
Invalid option on graph keyword
Overlap keyword found on non-2-D or grid table
And statement after tab with overlap keyword
Tstat statement in illegal position in run
The tstat statement must follow the tab which defines the table on which the test is required.
Cannot malloc heap for tstat info
There is insufficient memory for Quantum to store the statistical information.
Duplicate or unknown tstat type
Tstats prop/mean and nkl may not be run on same tab
Illegal number of letters in tstat group
Some tests must be run on a set number of columns. Check that you have followed the rules for the test you want.
Illegal member in tstat elms= group
Overflow of tstat info heap
No elms= keyword on tstat statement
You have forgotten to tell Quantum which elements to test.
NSW element may not be flagged as unweighted
Median/percentile keyword must have inc= keyword
If you want to create percentiles using the values in the data, you must tell Quantum to read those columns into its median calculation.
inc= not allowed on L statement of grid axis
No elements defined on col/val card
% keyword found before any elements on col/val/fld/bit card
Options can only follow elements; they may not precede them.
Too many chars in axis text heap
The maximum number of characters per axis (default 20,000) has been exceeded. Increase the limit by setting the heap parameter in the maxima.qt file. For more information, see User-definable limits.
Unknown tcalc= subkeyword
Punch in loop cannot be blank
Loops which use punches (codes) on the do statement can only deal with the codes 1/&.
Same punch used in nested loops
Loop punches not allowed in lists or partial col move
dimen may not be specified greater than a-card value or a-card placed wrongly
You are asking for a table which is wider than the default for this run. Either change the default so that it accommodates the larger table, or reduce the size of the current table.
paglen may not be specified greater than a-card value or a-card placed wrongly
You are asking for a table which is longer than the default for this run. Either change the default so that it accommodates the larger table, or reduce the size of the current table.
Field must be followed by ‘int-array =’
Invalid string spec on field/fld
Invalid column spec on field/fld
ori value must be 0 or 1
Invalid field width on field/fld
Last col is not multiple of field width from first col
All fields must have the same number of columns.
String wrong length in string spec on field/fld
You have defined a string that has more codes than there are columns in the field.
Value outside valid range on field/fld/bit
You have defined a code that has more digits than there are columns in the fields you have defined.
bit must be followed by int-array
The bit keyword must be followed by the name of an integer array whose cells determine which elements each respondent belongs in. This array is created with a field statement in the edit.
base/base= only allowed at start of fld/bit
You have a fld or bit statement in which a base element appears after some ordinary elements. The base element must come first after the column reference or array name.
=rej element only allowed at end of fld/bit
You have a fld or bit statement in which an element of the form element_text=rej appears somewhere other than as the last element on the statement.
String spec not allowed on bit
The bit statement names the array defined using field in the edit. The array is identified by just its name; for example, movies not movies(1,6).
Too many $$ specs for one fld - please split into many flds
Your element definitions refer to more codes than can be stored in the columns you have defined (for example, 100 codes for a 2-column field).
Too many values specified for one fld/bit
The specification of the element values in a fld or bit statement requires too many bit arguments; for details, see Limits. Change the specification so that it requires fewer bit arguments or put another fld statement before the number that exceeds the limit
Invalid value spec on fld/bit
You have defined a value which is too large to fit in fields you have defined.
Invalid range specified on fld/bit
You have defined a value which is too large to fit in the fields you have defined.
Spurious characters at end of columns spec on field/fld
The column reference on a field or fld statement has some extra characters at the end of it. Quantum accepts field references in a number of forms, so check the documentation for these statements to verify that you have not muddled two formats.
Illegal just= specification
Must specify same or ancestor level
Split statement in illegal position in levels run
Split must be part of the top-level edit in a levels job.
Duplicate level/endlevel section
You have written two sets of edit statements for the same level. Either combine them, or use endlevel to have one set executed when all data for that level has been read. Alternatively, you might have typed the wrong level name the second time.
Axis tabbed as grid and non-grid
Grid axes can not be used in non-grid tables, and vice versa. If this is what you want, write the axis twice, once in grid format and once in standard format.
Grid may not appear directly after tab or after L
You have not entered the name of the grid axis.
Cannot appear in a numcoded axis
This message warns you that data in an axis flagged with numcode may be multi-coded. This may be because you have put a net, ntt, c=+n, c=+, c=-n, fld or bit statement on the axis.
Illegal text following axreq=
You have used a keyword that is not valid with axreq=, or you have mistyped a keyword.
subsort/endsort not allowed with netsort
Netsort inserts its own subsort/endsort keywords on the elements comprising each net. Either remove the subsort/endsort options from your elements, or remove netsort from the a or l statement. If you remove netsort, you might need to enter your own indenting as part of each element text.
a/flt/tab statement with inc= but no anlevel defined
Your run or table has cell counts incremented by a given value, but you have forgotten to include an anlev option indicating the level at which the table should be created.
groupend with no corresponding groupbeg
You have defined the end of a group without defining its beginning.
Subgroup in more than one axis
You have defined a subgroup with a name which already exists in another axis. An axis subgroup may contain elements in one axis only; you cannot create a subgroup comprising elements from two or more axes.
Too many subgroups for one axis
Your axis has more than 32 subgroups.
Subgroup defined within itself
You have tried to create a nested subgroup with the same name as the parent (outer) subgroup. For example, subg1 within subg1, rather than subg2 within subg1.
groupbeg without groupend - groupend assumed at axis end
The axis contains a groupbeg statement without a corresponding groupend. Quantum will assume that the group ends at the end of the axis. If this is not correct, insert a groupend statement at the appropriate place.
Subgroup tabbed before main axis (cannot be flipped)
Your list of tab statements names the subaxis before the axis of which it is a part. You will not be able to flip this axis for use with Quanvert. You are advised to alter the order of the tab statements so that the subaxis is tabbed after the main axis.
Subgroup may not be in top of grid axis
tstat nkl not yet implemented on grid table
Keep and op=A or op=B may not appear on the same element/tab
Your spec is requesting a percentage difference which would require subtracting a percentage from itself. op=A/B must appear on a different element from keep.
op=A and op=B may not appear on the same element/tab
op=A and op=B are mutually exclusive. They cannot appear together.
nontot keyword interpreted as ntot
Statement in illegal position in run
and cannot follow grid table
Cannot add tables with celllevel specified
Grid axis with no substitution
Specification of (m,n) where m=n
Your field reference refers to a single column only. This is not technically incorrect, but it may not be what you intended. If not, check your spec.
n19/n20 in weighted grid column may give incorrect figures
This is not an error, but a warning. Quantum is not always able to produce the correct figures in tables of this type, so check your results carefully.
grptitle may only appear on element in exactly one subgroup
lsd keyword only valid on tstat mean or propmean
Obsolete nsw element ignored
At one time you had to insert nsw statements in weighted tables/axes which requested special T statistics. Quantum now does this automatically if you place the option nsw on the a statement. This message is just a warning that Quantum has found an nsw statement in a table or axis spec as well as on the a statement and has ignored it.
Tstats and wms but no nsw on a-statement
At one time you had to insert nsw statements in weighted tables/axes which requested special T statistics. Quantum now does this automatically if you place the option nsw on the a statement.
You have weighted tables and T statistics, but have forgotten to add nsw to the a statement.
Too many nested sections
You have more than ten sectbeg statements without a sectend.
Section has been begun but not ended
Your spec has more sectbeg statements than sectends. Alternatively you have placed a flt statement within a nested filter section; that is between sectbeg and sectend statements.
Sectend without sectbeg
Your spec has more sectend statements than sectbegs.
Bad format of mergedata
NFT may not have row/col/high set on
hdlev= may not be less than immediately preceding one
Levels for n23 subheadings are numbered from one, with one being the highest level heading. Therefore, the higher the subheading (that is, the more elements it belongs to), the lower its number. Once you have printed subheadings at one level, you cannot then print subheadings at a higher level. Check that the level numbers for subheadings increase as you move through the axis.
Unknown hdpos= positioning info
Acceptable positions with hdpos are l, c and r for left, centered and right justification of headings. The default is hdpos=c.
More than one wttran for same matrix
You can transfer weights from each weighting matrix into the data once only. You have two wttran statements naming the same matrix.
Numeric specs must come before $$ on fld/bit
Numeric fields may contain non-numeric codes to represent answers such as don’t know or no answer. You can include these responses in a fld or bit specification by enclosing the non-numeric codes in $ signs.
However, specifications of this type must come at the end of the fld or bit statement. You have written a statement that defines non-numeric codes in the middle of the numeric specifications. If this is really what you want, split the specification into a number of fld or bit statements so that the non-numeric specifications come at the ends of the statements.
Axis has no elements
Axis has no basic elements
Basic elements are elements that are created by reading the data. They are created by n01, n15, n10 and n11 statements and their equivalents on col, val, fld and bit statements. Although the axis may contain other elements that produce numbers (such as, statistical elements), it does not contain any that appear in this list.
Min weight cannot be >= max weight
Min/max weight must be > 0.0
All weights must be positive values greater than zero. You have specified a minimum or maximum weight with minwt= or maxwt= that is zero or less than zero.
basecol or extmap argument incorrect
Non-printed row has tstatdump flag, will not print in dump
Spare (unused) message number
auto-nsw element in grid top not implemented
Your run has the option nsw on the a statement so that Quantum will automatically insert an nsw statement at the top of each axis. Your run contains a grid axis and, currently, Quantum is unable to process this specification.
Level already defined
You have either used the same name for two different levels or you have defined the same level twice.
Parent already specified for this level
You have defined the same level twice but each definition shows the level as belonging to a different parent level.
struct statement cannot appear with levels file
Your project directory contains a struct statement and a levels file. If you are working on a levels project you can define the data structure either on the struct statement or in the levels file. If your project is not a levels project and you have used the levels file for something else, just rename the file.
No levels defined
Blank in punch constant ignored
Your run contains a punch()= specification that contains a blank code which Quantum is going to ignore. For example, if the specification reads punch(p)=' 1' Quantum will treat it as punch(p)='1'.
Weight line needs one target or factor
Your run declares weighting information in an axis but your have not said whether the weights are targets or factors. To correct the error insert either target or factor in the elements that define weights.
wm<n>= must specify one non-grid axis
Your run declares weighting information in an axis, but the wm statement that assigns a number to the weight matrix points to a grid axis. Weighting can only be declared on n01 statements in ordinary axes.
Use of overlap with median not allowed
Quantum cannot create n01 medians on overlapping data. Specify the median by using an n30 statement and factors, instead of an n01 statement with inc=. If this is not possible, retain the n01 specification and run the table without the overlap keyword.
Integer constant too big
You have specified an integer that is outside the range ±1073741823, or an arithmetic expression has produced a value outside this range and you are trying to assign that value to a variable.
smsupa/t/c/p= and smbase= may not both be specified
smbase= which suppresses all percentages in a column or row if the base for the percentages is less that the given value is incompatible with the smsup group of options. You have a table that requests both types of suppression. Edit your spec and remove either smbase= or smsupa/t/c/p= from that table.
Text string within $’s contain too many characters
You have specified a text string with more than nine characters in a fld or bit statement. There is a limit of nine characters.
Different description for same numeric or alpha
A description specified for a numeric or alpha variable differs from the description you specified for the same variable earlier in the spec. Quantum will use the first description it encounters for the variable and will ignore any subsequent descriptions. The test is case-sensitive.
inctext= with no inc=
inctext= is only valid with the inc= option.
summary on non-ex= elem ignored
The summary keyword is only valid on ex= elements.
summary on non-basic ex= elem will generate 0 in cells
anlev= specification on axis must match usage
The analysis level on an axis used in a weight matrix must be the same as the analysis level defined for the weight matrix.
Too many chars in elements uniqid= text heap
You have exceeded the limit for the total number of characters available for unique ID names in one axis. The limit is 20000 characters.
Sum of characters within $’s exceeds limit
You have exceeded the size limit for long text strings enclosed in $’s, for example, in a definelist. The default limit is 1024, but you can increase it by entering a higher value for lexchars in the maxima.qt file.
For more information, see User-definable limits.
Cannot resolve $_uniqid$ (uniqid= missing)
You can only use the $_uniqid$ syntax if you have specified a unique ID on the element using uniqid=.
Invalid special response text construct ($X(...)$)
You have specified a special response of the form $x(...)$ where x is a single character. This construct is only valid if x is the _ character, and then the construct is used to indicate that the text within the brackets is a unique ID.
lang= on flt/sectbeg/tab must be preceded by lang= on a-card
You need to define the default language on the a statement.
Cannot create/open language ptf file
Either you do not have the correct permissions to update the file or the file is corrupt.
Spare (unused) message number
Same inc= at two different levels
You have used the same numeric field or variable at more than one level. For more information, see Numerics with levels.
Cannot use mapvar with definelist containing strings
You have referred to a definelist in an .in. statement that contains a data-mapped variable. Quantum cannot handle this syntax because it needs to read the data in the definelist differently for data-mapped variables (as strings instead of column punches) but does not know at the time the definelist is parsed whether it is used with a data-mapped variable.
See also
Error messages