Administrative functions > Error messages > Accum errors
Accum errors
Some of the messages issued by accum refer to temporary files, and you might see this message giving information about the file:
Fileno number: time time dev dev mode mode size size
number is the file number, time is the time, dev is the device on which the file is open, mode shows how Quantum opens the file (for example, read or write), and size is the number of characters in the file.
No tables could be done in this pass - run terminated
Accum processes tables in batches. It works through the requested tables sequentially and processes as many as it can fit into memory in one batch. It continues processing tables in batches until it has processed all tables. However, if a single table requires more memory than is available, accum can not process that table and issues this message.
No tables to be done
This may be because either there were no tables specified in the run, or Quantum was unable to open intermed.q or seg1.
Cannot fit axes in buffer
There are too many elements in an axis.
Fatal error - More than n cols in Overlap Grid
Too many columns were specified in a grid axis with overlapping data (n is the maximum allowed).
Fatal Error Overlap
An internal error occurred while processing overlapping data.
Insufficient Overlap Cells
Quantum ran out of memory while processing overlapping data.
Error in reading AXFILE
An error occurred while reading the axis control file called AXFILE.
Cannot create nums
Quantum could not open nums for writing.
Cannot malloc n bytes for median calculations
Quantum ran out of memory while processing medians; n is the amount of memory (in characters) required.
calloc for medians info array failed at m2_done n records
Fatal error: cannot find table containing cell n
Buffer size less than record size
File is not an integral number of records
These messages indicate internal errors while processing medians.
Cannot open median2.qt for medians calc
An error occurred when Quantum tried to open the file median2.qt for reading.
Cannot allocate space for medians calc
Quantum ran out of memory while calculating medians.
Cannot close FILENAME
Can’t open file FILENAME mode MODE
Quantum could not open the named file. MODE shows how Quantum wanted to open the file and will usually be either Read or Write.
Premature eof on intfile
There were problems reading intermed.q.
Premature eof on level file n
There were problems reading the intlevn.q, where n is the level number.
Premature eof on intfile
There were problems reading wmvalsn.q, where n is the number of the weighting matrix held in that file.
Cannot set up mlttable axis_name
Cannot set up unwt table axis_name
Cannot set up sqtable axis_name
Quantum ran out of memory while setting up temporary tables for the named axis.
See also
Error messages