Administrative functions > Error messages > Qout errors
Qout errors
nums ran out early
nums is the file containing the values calculated during the datapass. It is read by the table output program, qout. The message means that qout could not find sufficient values in nums to fill the cells of the tables. There are a number of reasons this could happen:
A previous run filled up the disk so the datapass could not write the complete nums file to the disk. This is most likely to happen on Windows, but could happen on any computer.
You ran a complete job using options to retain Quantum’s temporary files. You then edited the table specs and reran qout. If the changes you made increased the size of any table, then qout will now be attempting to process a nums file with fewer values than the new specs require.
You ran the datapass and output stages as separate jobs but at the same time. qout was therefore trying to extract values from nums before they were there.
See also
Error messages