Data editing > Examining records > Frequency distributions > Multiplied frequency distributions
Multiplied frequency distributions
Quick reference
To create a multiplied or weighted frequency distribution, type:
list c(start_col, end_col) $text$ c(m_start, m_end)
text is the frequency distribution title and c(m_start,m_end) is the field in the C array containing the multiplier or weight for each record. If the multiplier contains a decimal point, reference it as cx(m_start,m_end).
For a distribution sorted in alphabetic or rank order only, type lista or listr as appropriate instead of list.
More information
Creating multiplied frequency distributions is exactly the same as creating multiplied holecounts:
list c(m,n) [$text$] c(x,y)
c(m,n) is the column field whose values are to be listed, text is the optional heading to be printed at the top of the page, and c(x,y) is the field containing the multiplier. If the multiplier contains a decimal point, reference it as cx(x,y), otherwise the decimal point will be ignored and, for example, 1.5 is read as 15. Multipliers may either be part of the original data, or they may be created during the edit, in which case they must be placed in the C array with a wttran statement before the frequency distribution is requested.
Multiplied frequency distributions are generally required when you are producing weighted tables and you want to check that you have the correct number of people in each row of a table.
For more information about weighting and wttran, see Copying weights into the data.
See also
Frequency distributions