Tables and axes > Example Quantum job
Example Quantum job
/* define data structure
/* For people leaving museum, gather things they saw into one place
if (c104'2') c181=or(c139,c141,c143,c145,c147,c149,c151,c153,c155, ++c157,c159,c161,c163,c165,c167,c169)
if (c104'2') c182=or(c140,c142,c144,c146,c148,c150,c152,c154,c156, ++c158,c160,c162,c164,c166,c168,c170)

/* define default options for tables

/* define tables to include everybody
tab age sex
tab q7 ban1
tab q12 ban1
und q13 ban1

/* define tables for those leaving museum only
ttlBase: All Leaving Museum
tab lq1 ban1
und lq2 ban1
tab lq3 ban1
tab lq7 ban1
tab lq8 ban1
und lq9 ban1

/* define axes
l sex
ttlQ1. Sex
ttlBase: All Respondents
col 110;Base;Male;Female
l age
ttlQ2. Age
ttlBase: All Respondents
col 111;Base;11-16 yrs;17-20 yrs;21-24 yrs;25-34 yrs;35-44 yrs;
+45-54 yrs;55-64 yrs;65+ yrs
l q7
ttlQ7. Have you visited Museum before?
ttlQ8. If so, number of previous visits excluding this one
ttlBase: All Respondents
col 116;Base;Yes;No
n23All visiting Museum previously
val c(117,118);=;0 times;1 time;2 times;3 times;4 times;5 times;
+6 times;7 times;8 times;9 times;10 times;i;11+ times=11-99
l q12
ttlQ12. Have you visited any other museum/art gallery before today
ttl and/or do you intend to visit any others?
ttlBase: All Respondents
col 123;Base;Yes;No;DK/NA=rej
l q13;c=c123'1'
ttlQ13. Museums/Art galleries visited/intend to visit
ttlBase: All who visited other museums before today
ttl and/or intend to visit others
col 124;hd=All visited/intending to visit other museums;
+Science Museum;Victoria and Albert;IGS;British Museum;
+Tate Gallery;National Gallery;Others;DK/NA=rej
l lq1
ttlQ1. How long have you been in the Museum today?
col 137;Base;A few minutes;Half hour;Three-quarters of an hour;
+One hour;One and half hours;Two hours;Two and half hours;
+Three hours;Three and half hours;4 hours/half a day;Whole day;
l lq2
ttlQ2. Was your stay longer/shorter than intended?
col 138;Base;Longer;Shorter;Hadn't planned particular length of time;
+About what I'd planned;DK/NA=rej
l lq3
ttlQ3. What do you remember seeing?
col 181;Human Biology;Man's place in evolution;Wildlife in danger;
col 182;Dinosaurs;Collections/Conservation/Research;Fish and reptiles;
+Fossil galleries;Birds;Insects;Whale hall;Mammals;Minerals/meteorites;
+Introducing ecology;Botany;Origin of species
l lq7
ttlQ7. How did you find your way round the Museum?
col 232;Base;Signposting;Guidebook;Attendant;Wandered;
+Brief description of route taken;"With difficulty";
+Gallery plan;With someone who knew/already knew;DK/NA=rej
l lq8
ttlQ8. Could signposting be improved?
col 233;Base;Yes;No;Don't know;Other;DK/NA=rej
l lq9;c=c233'1'
ttl Q9. How do you think it might be improved?
ttlBase: All who think signposting could be improved
col 234;Base;Increase frequency;Larger/clearer;Color;
+Device to indicate section;Specific problem/solution;
+Non specific comment;Comment about something other than signing;
/* define banners
l ban1
col 110;Male;Female
col 111;11-20='12';21-34='34';35-54='5/6';55+='78'
col 112;Yes;No
col 116;Yes;No
g             Sex                    Age
g          -----------    --------------------------
g TOTAL    Male Female    11-20  21-34  35-54    55+
g -----------------------------------------------------
p     x       x      x  |     x      x      x      x  |
g    Completed        Visited
g    Full Time         Museum
g    Education         Before
g    ----------     -----------
g    Yes    No      Yes     No
p      x     x  |     x      x
Tables produced by the sample Quantum job
                                       VISITOR SURVEY - BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY)
Absolutes/col percents
Q2.  Age
Base: All Respondents

                                        Base                Male              Female

Base                                     605                 341                 264

11-16 yrs                                 38                  23                  15
                                           6%                  7%                  6%

17-20 yrs                                 82                  50                  32
                                          14%                 15%                 12%

21-24 yrs                                 98                  52                  44
                                          16%                 15%                 17%

25-34 yrs                                194                 109                  85
                                          32%                 32%                 32%

35-44 yrs                                 91                  49                  42
                                          15%                 14%                 16%

45-54 yrs                                 55                  32                  23
                                           9%                  9%                  9%

55-64 yrs                                 33                  16                  17
                                           5%                  5%                  6%

65+ yrs                                   16                  10                   6
                                           3%                  3%                  2%
                                       VISITOR SURVEY - BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY)
Absolutes/col percents
Q7. Have you visited the Museum before?
Q8. If so, number of previous visits excluding this one?
Base: All Respondents

                                                                                            Completed          Visited
                                                                                            Full Time           Museum
                                            Sex                     Age                     Education           Before
                                       -----------    -----------------------------        ----------       ----------
                              TOTAL    Male Female    11-20   21-34   35-54     55+        Yes     No       Yes     No
Base                           605     341    264   |   120     290     146     49   |     480    135   |   306    299
                                                    |                                |                  |
Yes                            306     177    129   |    70     136      76     24   |     245     61   |   306      -
                                51%     52%    49%  |    58%     47%     52%    49%  |      51%    49%  |   100%     -
                                                    |                                |                  |
No                             299     164    135   |    50     154      70     25   |     235     64   |     -    299
                                49%     48%    51%  |    42%     53%     48%    51%  |      49%    51%  |     -    100%
                                                    |                                |                  |
All visiting Museum previously                      |                                |                  |
1 time                          88      52     36   |    17      44      24      3   |      77     11   |    88      -
                                29%     29%    28%  |    24%     32%     32%    13%  |      31%    18%  |    29%     -
                                                    |                                |                  |
2 times                         56      29     27   |    19      24      10      3   |      41     15   |    56      -
                                18%     16%    21%  |    27%     18%     13%    13%  |      17%    25%  |    18%     -
                                                    |                                |                  |
3 times                         33      14     19   |     9      12       8      4   |      26      7   |    33      -
                                11%      8%    15%  |    13%      9%     11%    17%  |      11%    11%  |    11%     -
                                                    |                                |                  |
4 times                         22      14      8   |     6       9       7      -   |      15      7   |    22      -
                                 7%      8%     6%  |     9%      7%      9%     -   |       6%    11%  |     7%     -
                                                    |                                |                  |
5 times                         14       7      7   |     4       7       3      -   |      10      4   |    14      -
                                 5%      4%     5%  |     6%      5%      5%     -   |       4%     7%  |     5%     -
                                                    |                                |                  |
6 times                         21      15      6   |     -      15       4      2   |      20      1   |    21      -
                                 7%      8%     5%  |     -      11%      5%     8%  |       8%     2%  |     7%     -
                                                    |                                |                  |
7 times                          5       5      -   |     2       3       -      -   |       4      1   |     5      -
                                 2%      3%     -   |     3%      2%      -      -   |       2%     2%  |     2%     -
                                                    |                                |                  |
8 times                          3       3      -   |     2       1       -      -   |       3      -   |     3      -
                                 1%      3%     -   |     3%      1%      -      -   |       1%     -   |     1%     -
                                                    |                                |                  |
9 times                          1       -      1   |     -       -       1      -   |       1      -   |     1      -
                                 *       -      1%  |     -       -       1%     -   |       *      -   |     *      -
                                                    |                                |                  |
10 times                        12       5      7   |     4       6       2      -   |       6      6   |    12      -
                                 4%      3%     5%  |     6%      4%      3%     -   |       2%    18%  |     4%     -
                                                    |                                |                  |
11 times                        51      33     18   |     7      15      17     12   |      42      9   |    51      -
                                17%     19%    14%  |    10%     11%     22%    50%  |      17%    15%  |    17%     -
                                                    |                                |                  |
                                       VISITOR SURVEY - BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY)
Absolutes/col percents
Q12. Have you visited any other museum/art gallery before today
      and/or do you intend to visit any other?
Base: All Respondents
Q13. Museum/Art galleries visited/intend to visit?
Base: All who visited other museums before today
      and/or intend to visit other

                                                                                           Completed          Visited                                                                                            Full Time           Museum
                                           Sex                     Age                     Education           Before
                                       -----------    -----------------------------        ----------       ----------
                              TOTAL    Male Female    11-20   21-34   35-54     55+        Yes     No       Yes     No
Base                           605     341    264   |   120     290     146     49   |     480    135   |   306    299
                                                    |                                |                  |
Yes                            427     256    171   |    92     207      97     31   |     339     88   |   222    205
                                71%     75%    65%  |    77%     71%     66%    63%  |      71%    70%  |    73%    69%
                                                    |                                |                  |
No                             178      88     93   |    28      83      49     18   |     141     37   |    84     94
                                29%     25%    35%  |    23%     29%     34%    37%  |      29%    30%  |    27%    31%
                                                    |                                |                  |
All visited/intending to visit other museums        |                                |                  |
Science Museum                 334     210    124   |    74     158      81     21   |     268     66   |   172    162
                                78%     82%    73%  |    80%     76%     84%    68%  |      79%    75%  |    77%    79%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Victoria and Albert             92      49     43   |    20      35      27     10   |      76     16   |    46     46
                                22%     19%    25%  |    22%     17%     28%    32%  |      22%    18%  |    21%    22%
                                                    |                                |                  |
IGS                             47      31     16   |    11      22       8      6   |      35     12   |    21     26
                                11%     12%     9%  |    12%     11%      8%    19%  |      10%    14%  |     9%    13%
                                                    |                                |                  |
British Museum                  26      18      8   |     8      11       6      1   |      17      9   |    11     15
                                 6%      7%     5%  |     9%      5%      6%     3%  |       5%    10%  |     5%     7%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Tate Gallery                    19       7     12   |     6       9       4      -   |      12      7   |     9     10
                                 4%      3%     7%  |     7%      4%      4%     -   |       4%     8%  |     4%     5%
                                                    |                                |                  |
National Gallery                21      11     10   |     4      10       5      2   |      15      6   |    10     11
                                 5%      4%     6%  |     4%      5%      5%     6%  |       4%     7%  |     5%     5%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Others                          37      16     21   |    10      17       7      3   |      39      8   |    18     19
                                 9%      6%    12%  |    11%      8%      7%    10%  |       9%     9%  |     8%     9%
                                                    |                                |                  |

                                       VISITOR SURVEY - BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY)
Absolutes/col percents
Q1. How long have you been in the Museum today?
Q2. Was your stay longer/shorter than intended?
Base: All Leaving Museum

                                                                                           Completed          Visited                                                                                            Full Time           Museum
                                           Sex                     Age                     Education           Before
                                       -----------    -----------------------------        ----------       ----------
                              TOTAL    Male Female    11-20   21-34   35-54     55+        Yes     No       Yes     No
Base                           301     171    130   |    57     152      71     21   |     237     64   |   156    145
                                                    |                                |                  |
A few minutes                    7       5      2   |     1       4       2      -   |       5      2   |     6      1
                                 2%      3%     2%  |     2%      3%      3%     -   |       2%     3%  |     4%     1%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Half hour                       35      26      9   |     4      19       6      4   |      29      6   |    18     17
                                12%     15%     7%  |    11%     13%      8%    19%  |      12%     9%  |    12%    12%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Three-quarters of an            27      18      9   |     4      12       8      3   |      23      4   |    17     10
hour                             9%     11%     7%  |     7%      8%     11%    14%  |      10%     6%  |    11%     7%
                                                    |                                |                  |
One hour                        61      35     26   |    17      24      17      3   |      45     16   |    28     33
                                20%     20%    20%  |    30%     16%     24%    14%  |      19%    25%  |    18%    23%
                                                    |                                |                  |
One and half hours              64      36     28   |    13      36      11      4   |      49     15   |    35     29
                                21%     21%    22%  |    23%     24%     15%    19%  |      21%    23%  |    22%    20
                                                    |                                |                  |
Two hours                       50      22     28   |     8      25      13      4   |      42      8   |    24     26
                                17%     13%    22%  |    14%     16%     18%    19%  |      18%    13%  |    15%    18%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Two and half hours              21       8     13   |     2      14       5      -   |      17      4   |     8     13
                                 7%      5%    10%  |     4%      9%      7%     -   |       7%     6%  |     5%     9%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Three hours                     13       8      5   |     3       5       4      1   |       9      4   |     8      5
                                 4%      5%     4%  |     5%      3%      6%     5%  |       4%     6%  |     5%     3%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Three and half hours             2       2      -   |     1       1       -      -   |       1      1   |     2      -
                                 1%      1%     -   |     2%      1%      -      -   |       *      2%  |     1%     -
                                                    |                                |                  |
4 hours/half a day              11       5      5   |     1       5       3      2   |       9      2   |     7      4
                                 4%      3%     5%  |     2%      3%      4%    10%  |       4%     3%  |     4%     3%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Whole day                       10       6      4   |     1       7       2      -   |       8      2   |     3      7
                                 3%      4%     3%  |     2%      5%      3%     -   |       3%     3%  |     2%     5%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Base                           301     171    130   |    57     152      71     21   |     237     64   |   156    145
                                                    |                                |                  |
Longer                          49      25     24   |    13      26       8      2   |      33     16   |    19     30
                                16%     15%    18%  |    23%     17%     11%    10%  |      14%    25%  |    12%    21%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Shorter                         91      59     32   |    13      48      21      9   |      78     13   |    49     42
                                30%     35%    25%  |    23%     32%     30%    43%  |      33%    20%  |    31%    29%
                                                    |                                |                  |
                                       VISITOR SURVEY - BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY)
Absolutes/col percents
Q1. How long have you been in the Museum today?
Q2. Was your stay longer/shorter than intended?
Base: All Leaving Museum

                                                                                           Completed          Visited                                                                                            Full Time           Museum
                                           Sex                     Age                     Education           Before
                                       -----------    -----------------------------        ----------       ----------
                              TOTAL    Male Female    11-20   21-34   35-54     55+        Yes     No       Yes     No
Base                           301     171    130   |    57     152      71     21   |     237     64   |   156    145
                                                    |                                |                  |
Hadn’t planned                  84      44     40   |    19      43      19      3   |      64     20   |    39     45
particular length of            28%     26%    31%  |    33%     28%     27%    14%  |      27%    31%  |    25%    31%
time                                                |                                |                  |
                                                    |                                |                  |
About what I’d planned          74      42     32   |    11      34      22      7   |      60     14   |    46     28
                                25%     25%    25%  |    19%     22%     31%    33%  |      25%    22%  |    29%    19%
                                                    |                                |                  |
DK/NA                            3       1      2   |     1       1       1      -   |       2      1   |     3      -
                                 1%      1%     2%  |     2%      1%      1%     -   |       1%     2%  |     2%     -
                                                    |                                |                  |
                                       VISITOR SURVEY - BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY)
Absolutes/col percents
Q1. What do you remember seeing?
Base: All Leaving Museum

                                                                                           Completed          Visited                                                                                            Full Time           Museum
                                           Sex                     Age                     Education           Before
                                       -----------    -----------------------------        ----------       ----------
                              TOTAL    Male Female    11-20   21-34   35-54     55+        Yes     No       Yes     No
Base                           301     171    130   |    57     152      71     21   |     237     64   |   156    145
                                                    |                                |                  |
Human Biology                  123      60     63   |    23      71      25      4   |      98     25   |    65     58
                                41%     35%    48%  |    40%     47%     35%    19%  |      41%    39%  |    42%    40%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Man’s place in evolution       120      62     58   |    28      62      21      9   |      90     30   |    51     69
                                40%     36%    45%  |    49%     41%     30%    43%  |      38%    47%  |    33%    48%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Wildlife in danger              32      17     15   |     2      25       4      1   |      29      3   |    19     13
                                11%     10%    12%  |     4%     16%      6%     5%  |      12%     5%  |    12%     9%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Dinosaurs                      259     152    107   |    53     130      58     18   |     203     56   |   128    131
                                86%     89%    82%  |    93%     86%     82%    86%  |      86%    88%  |    82%    90%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Collections/                    58      38     20   |    11      28      15      4   |      49      9   |    35     23
Conservation/Research           19%     22%    15%  |    19%     18%     21%    19%  |      21%    14%  |    22%    16%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Fish and reptiles              111      77     34   |    25      52      27      7   |      90     21   |    56     55
                                37%     45%    26%  |    44%     34%     38%    33%  |      38%    33%  |    36%    38%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Fossil galleries                64      35     29   |     6      40      15      3   |      53     11   |    30     34
                                21%     20%    22%  |    11%     26%     21%    14%  |      22%    17%  |    19%    23%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Birds                          100      52     48   |    19      59      16      6   |      84     16   |    50     50
                                33%     30%    37%  |    33%     39%     23%    29%  |      35%    25%  |    32%    34%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Insects                         75      41     34   |    18      41      12      4   |      61     14   |    39     36
                                25%     24%    26%  |    32%     27%     17%    19%  |      26%    22%  |    25%    25%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Whale Hall                      83      43     40   |    14      49      15      5   |      72     11   |    43     40
                                28%     25%    31%  |    25%     32%     21%    24%  |      30%    17%  |    28%    28%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Mammals                        142      64     78   |    31      69      31     11   |     111     31   |    67     75
                                47%     37%    60%  |    54%     45%     44%    52%  |      47%    48%  |    43%    52%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Minerals/meteorites             88      40     48   |    19      44      19      6   |      70     18   |    31     57
                                29%     23%    37%  |    33%     29%     27%    29%  |      30%    28%  |    20%    39%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Introducing ecology             29      14     15   |     4      22       3      -   |      23      6   |    14     15
                                10%      8%    12%  |     7%     14%      4%     -   |      10%     9%  |     9%    10%
                                                    |                                |                  |
                                       VISITOR SURVEY - BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY)
Absolutes/col percents
Q1. What do you remember seeing?
Base: All Leaving Museum

                                                                                           Completed          Visited                                                                                            Full Time           Museum
                                           Sex                     Age                     Education           Before
                                       -----------    -----------------------------        ----------       ----------
                              TOTAL    Male Female    11-20   21-34   35-54     55+        Yes     No       Yes     No
Base                           301     171    130   |    57     152      71     21   |     237     64   |   156    145
                                                    |                                |                  |
Botany                          58      31     27   |    12      33      10      3   |      45     13   |    26     32
                                19%     18%    21%  |    21%     22%     14%    14%  |      19%    20%  |    17%    22%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Origin of species              101      52     49   |    24      51      19      7   |      74     27   |    51     50
                                34%     39%    38%  |    42%     34%     27%    33%  |      31%    42%  |    33%    34%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Others                          82      51     31   |    14      42      18      8   |      61     21   |    46     36
                                27%     30%    24%  |    25%     28%     25%    38%  |      26%    33%  |    29%    25%
                                                    |                                |                  |
                                       VISITOR SURVEY - BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY)
Absolutes/col percents
Q7. How did you find your way around the Museum?
Base: All Leaving Museum

                                                                                           Completed          Visited
                                                                                           Full Time           Museum
                                           Sex                     Age                     Education           Before
                                       -----------    -----------------------------        ----------       ----------
                              TOTAL    Male Female    11-20   21-34   35-54     55+        Yes     No       Yes     No
Base                           301     171    130   |    57     152      71     21   |     237     64   |   156    145
                                                    |                                |                  |
Signposting                    127      71     56   |    19      66      31     11   |     104     23   |    59     68
                                42%     42%    43%  |    33%     43%     44%    52%  |      44%    36%  |    38%    47%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Guidebook                       22       6     16   |     2      14       4      2   |      20      2   |     9     13
                                 7%      4%    12%  |     4%      9%      6%    10%  |       8%     3%  |     6%     9%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Attendant                       11       3      8   |     2       3       5      1   |       8      3   |    10      1
                                 4%      2%     6%  |     4%      2%      7%     5%  |       3%     5%  |     6%     1%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Wandered                       120      76     44   |    28      58      25      9   |      93     27   |    52     68
                                40%     44%    34%  |    49%     38%     35%    43%  |      39%    42%  |    33%    47%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Brief description of             4       2      2   |     1       1       1      1   |       3      1   |     2      2
route taken                      1%      1%     2%  |     2%      1%      1%     5%  |       1%     2%  |     1%     1%
                                                    |                                |                  |
"With difficulty"               16      10      6   |     3       7       5      1   |      12      4   |    11      5
                                 5%      6%     5%  |     5%      5%      7%     5%  |       5%     6%  |     7%     3%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Gallery plan                    35      23     12   |     7      20       8      -   |      26      9   |    21     14
                                12%     13%     9%  |    12%     13%     11%     -   |      11%    14%  |    13%    10%
                                                    |                                |                  |
With someone who knew/          30      14     16   |     7      13       8      2   |      23      7   |    28      2
already knew                    10%      8%    12%  |    12%      9%     11%    10%  |      10%    11%  |    18%     1%
                                                    |                                |                  |
DK/NA                            3       2      1   |     -       3       -      -   |       3      -   |     1      2
                                27%     30%    24%  |     -       2%      -      -   |       1%     -   |     1%     1%
                                                    |                                |                  |
                                       VISITOR SURVEY - BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY)
Absolutes/col percents
Q8. Could signposting be improved?
Q9, How do you think it might be improved?
Base: All who think signposting could be improved
Base: All Leaving Museum

                                                                                           Completed          Visited
                                                                                           Full Time           Museum
                                           Sex                     Age                     Education           Before
                                       -----------    -----------------------------        ----------       ----------
                              TOTAL    Male Female    11-20   21-34   35-54     55+        Yes     No       Yes     No
Base                           301     171    130   |    57     152      71     21   |     237     64   |   156    145
                                                    |                                |                  |
Yes                             95      51     44   |    21      48      23      3   |      75     20   |    64     31
                                32%     30%    34%  |    37%     32%     32%    14%  |      32%    31%  |    41%    21%
                                                    |                                |                  |
No                             176     103     73   |    30      87      42     17   |     137     39   |    77     99
                                58%     60%    56%  |    53%     57%     59%    81%  |      58%    61%  |    49%    68%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Don’t know                      27      15     12   |     6      14       6      1   |      22      5   |    14     13
                                 9%      9%     9%  |    11%      9%      8%     5%  |       9%     8%  |     9%     9%
                                                    |                                |                  |
DK/NA                            3       2      1   |     -       3       -      -   |       3      -   |     1      2
                                 1%      1%     1%  |     -       2%      -      -   |       1%     -   |     1%     1%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Base                            95      51     44   |    21      48      23      3   |      75     20   |    64     31
                                                    |                                |                  |
Increase frequency              15       8      7   |     7       6       2      -   |       8      7   |    11      4
                                16%     16%    16%  |    33%     13%      9%     -   |      11%    35%  |    17%    13%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Larger/clearer                  30      15     15   |     5      14      11      -   |      24      6   |    23      7
                                32%     29%    34%  |    24%     29%     48%     -   |      32%    30%  |    36%    23%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Color                           11       7      4   |     4       4       3      -   |       6      5   |    11      -
                                12%     14%     9%  |    19%      8%     13%     -   |       8%    25%  |    17%     -
                                                    |                                |                  |
Device to indicate               2       -      2   |     -       1       1      -   |       3      -   |     1      1
selection                        2%      -      5%  |     -       2%      4%     -   |       3%     -   |     2%     3%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Specific problem/               32      18     14   |     3      18       9      2   |      28      4   |    20     12
solution                        34%     35%    32%  |    14%     38%     39%    67%  |      37%    20%  |    31%    39%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Non specific comment             4       2      2   |     1       3       -      -   |       4      -   |     3      1
                                 4%      4%     5%  |     5%      6%      -      -   |       5%     -   |     5%     3%
                                                    |                                |                  |
Comment about something         21      13      8   |     4      11       5      1   |      18      3   |    10     11
other then signing              22%     25%    18%  |    19%     23%     22%    33%  |      24%    15%  |    16%    35%
                                                    |                                |                  |