Administrative functions > Files for Quanvert users > Files for Windows-based Quanvert users > Database icon
Database icon
Windows-based Quanvert’s online help screens display the Quanvert icon at the start of their title bars. Each database can also have its own icon defined in the file db.ico in the database directory. If this file exists, Quanvert displays it next to the notes frame of the Help About window.
Note You can have a db.nts text file on its own or you can have a db.nts text file and a db.ico bitmap file in the database directory, but you cannot have a db.ico file on its own.
To create the icon file
1 Design the icon using a drawing package such as Paintbrush, PhotoFinish, CorelDraw or PowerPoint.
2 Save the drawing in bitmap format (*.bmp).
3 Copy the bitmap file into the database directory and call it db.ico.
See also
Files for Windows-based Quanvert users