Compilation listing
The compilation stage of a Quantum run checks the syntax of your program file and, if it is correct, converts its statements into the C programming language. As it reads your program, Quantum writes the statements to a compilation listing file.
If Quantum finds errors, it prints messages explaining them. For a list of these messages, see
Error messages.
The compilation file is called out1 on all systems.
Here is a short Quantum program and the out1 generated from it. The program is:
count c(101,180)
tab inemployment age
l inemployment
col 134;Base;hd=Currently employed;Yes;No
l age
val c(111,112);Base;hd=Age of respondent;i;18-24;25-44;45-64;65+
The file starts with the maximum values to be assigned to various parameters which control the run. These are read from the maxima.qt file; the values shown here are the defaults.
Each time Quantum reads a tab statement, it increments its count of tables by 1 and prints the table number. (These are useful if you want to refer to tables in a manipulation run.) At the end of the run Quantum prints a set of compilation statistics summarizing what it has read and what it is required to do in later stages of the run.
Using maxima: 500 axes, 500 elements, 20000 heapsize, 600 incs, 8000 incheap, 300 named vars, 32 col defs, 16 text defs, 32 punch defs struct;read=2;ser=c(1,4);crd=c5;req=1;rep=2,3 ed count c(101,180) end a;pagwid=80;side=20;dsp;op=12 tab inemployment age 000001 l inemployment *** inemployment *** col 134;Base;hd=Currently employed;Yes;No l age *** age*** val c(111,112);Base;hd=Age of respondent;i;18-24;25-44;45-64;65+ ********** end of run **********
**** axis x_0001_ax unchanged **** **** axis age_ax unchanged **** axis x_0001_, 4 elements, 3 figrows, 3 levels, 1 usages, 1 last axis age, 6 elements, 5 figrows, 5 levels, 1 usages, 1 last
Compilation Statistics ---------------------- 10 Lines complied. 1 Edit statements. 0 Lists in run. 1 Hole-counts in run. 80 Columns to be counted. 15 Cells to be calculated in Tab Section.
6 Characters of disk storage required per record in data-pass
**** axis inemployment given internal name x_0001_ **** |
See also