Administrative functions > Files created by Quantum > Records failing write or require statements
Records failing write or require statements
When Quantum reads the data and finds a record which fails a write or require statement in the edit, it writes the record out to a text file for you to check.
              Quantum edit report

                              1 in file
                     ----+----1----+----2-- ... --9----+----0
columns 1 – 100 are |12345
                              2 in file
                     ----+----1----+----2-- ... --9----+----0
columns 1 – 100 are |23456
The file ends with a summary of the errors found and a listing of any T variables with non-zero values. This information is also written to the sorted summary of errors file.
The name of this text file is out2 on all systems.
See also
Files created by Quantum