Administrative functions > Files used by Quantum > Rim weighting parameters file
Rim weighting parameters file
This file defines the parameters to be used in rim weighting calculations.
File name
The rim weighting parameters file is named rim.par on all systems.
File format
It contains a single line, as follows:
wm=matrix_number limit=how_close iters=num_iterations [report=detailed]
how_close determines how close the weighting procedure must get to the targets you have given in order for the weights to be acceptable. The default is 0.005, but any value between 0.0001 and 0.05 inclusive is valid. The number of iterations is the number of times the weight calculations may be repeated in order to reach the cell targets. The value must be between 5 and 500. The default is 12.
report=detailed requests a report of the weights calculated at each iteration. Normally, Quantum reports only the weights achieved at the final iteration.
More information
For more information about rim weighting, see Rim weighting.
See also
Files used by Quantum