Data editing > How Quantum reads data > Describing the data structure
Describing the data structure
Quick reference
To describe the structure of the data, type:
struct; options
More information
All programs dealing with multicard records must contain a struct statement, unless the data contains trailer cards which will be read and tabulated using the levels facility. In this case, you can choose between using a struct statement or using a levels file. If the run has no struct statement and no levels file, Quantum assumes that the data contains ordinary records to be read into c1 onwards of the C array.
For information about levels and how to describe the levels data structure, see Dealing with hierarchical data.
The struct statement is used to define the type of records, the location of the serial number and card type in the record and the number of the highest card type if greater than 9. Its format is:
struct; options
Record type
Record length
Serial number location
Card type location
Required card types
Repeated card types
Highest card type number
Dealing with alphanumeric card types
Merge sequence for trailer cards
See also
How Quantum reads data