Tables and axes > Introduction to axes > Subheadings and extra text > Subheadings in the axis > Laying out subheadings
Laying out subheadings
Quick reference
To define the justification of a subheading above its columns when the axis forms the columns of a table, type:
n23heading_text; hdpos=x
x is l for left justification, r for right justification or c for centered text (the default).
More information
Unless directed otherwise, Quantum centers n23 texts above the elements to which they refer. To left‑justify the text above the columns to which it refers, add hdpos=l to the n23. To right‑justify the text, add use hdpos=r. (hdpos=c is also available for centered text but since this is the default you are unlikely to need it.)
The example below uses hdpos=l for the main heading and the subheadings Sex and Age, and hdpos=r for Visited Museum Before:
l ban01
n23Visitors to the Museum;hdlev=1
col 110;Male;Female
col 111;11-20='12';21-34='34';35-44='56';55+='78'
n23Museum Before;hdlev=2;hdpos=r
col 116;Yes;No
Visitors to the Museum
Sex Age Museum Before
Base Male Female 11-20 21 -34 35-54 55+ Yes No
See also
Subheadings in the axis