Tables and axes > Introduction to axes > Netting
Quick reference
To create an element which nets respondents present in previous elements, type:
netnet_level[element_text] [;options]
To terminate a net, type:
or append the option:
to the last element in the net.
More information
Nets are generally used with multicoded responses to show how many people answered rather than how many answers were given. For example, if five people said the product was badly made and expensive, and these two comments were coded separately, the table would show two lines each containing five people. A net line including people who gave one response or the other or both would indicate that five people thought the product was badly made or expensive or both.
Nets can follow or precede the lines to which they refer. Nets which come before the lines to be netted are created by the statement:
netn[text] [;options]
n is the net level number and options are any options valid on elements, except c=.
The first net in an axis must be net1. Any respondent fulfilling the conditions for at least one of the subsequent elements will be added into this net.
There are three ways of ending a net. The first way is to add the option endnetn, to the last element in the net, where n is the net level number, thus:
net1Efficacy Comments (Net)
n01Cleans Well;c=c132'2'
n01Cleans Automatically;c=c132'9'
n01Don't have to Scrub;c=c133'1'
n01Removes Stains;c=c133'9';endnet1
The second is to follow the last element in the net with a netendn statement, where n is the level number of the net to be terminated:
net1Fragrance Comments (Net)
n01Pleasant Smelling;c=132'5'
n01Smells of Flowers;c=c132'7'
n01Mildly Scented;c=c133'2'
n01No Comment;c=c(132,133)=$ $
The third method is to terminate the net by starting a new net with a net statement with the same or a higher level number. For example, a net3 statement terminates nets at levels 3, 4, 5, and so on; a net1 statement terminates nets at all levels:
net1Efficacy Comments (Net)
n01Cleans Well;c=c132'2'
n01Cleans Automatically;c=c132'9'
n01Don't have to Scrub;c=c133'1'
n01Removes Stains;c=c133'9'
net1Fragrance Comments (Net)
n01Pleasant Smelling;c=132'5'
n01Smells of Flowers;c=c132'7'
n01Mildly Scented;c=c133'2'
n01No Comment;c=c(132,133)=$ $
Here, the net entitled ‘Efficacy Comments’ counts respondents who satisfy any of the conditions up to the net entitled ‘Fragrance Comments’. Each respondent is counted once only, regardless of the number of comments they make. The second net counts respondents who comment about the product’s fragrance. This time the net is terminated by a netend statement (an endnet1 option would have been equally acceptable) because the next element is not a net element.
Nets can contain subnets nested up to nine levels deep (net2 to net9). As with top-level nets, each subnet can be terminated by:
appending endnet to the last element in the net
a netend statement after the last element in the net
another net with a higher level number; for example, net1 terminates net2
another net at the same level; for example, net2 followed by another net2.
Any respondent who is part of a subnet is automatically included in the net for the parent level. Therefore, if net2 is a subnet of net1, everyone who is part of net2 is automatically part of net1 as well. If endnet or netend terminate two or more nets at different levels, the level number must be that of the highest level (that is, you use endnet1 or netend1 to terminate both net2 and net1). For example:
l q27;hd=Orange Juice
net1Favorable Comments;unl1
n01Liked Bottle;c=c(123,124)=$12$
n01Liked Label;c=c(123,124)=$13$
n01Liked Color;c=c(123,124)=$15$
n01Tasted Sweet;c=c(123,124)=$22$
n01Tasted Fizzy;c=c(123,124)=$23$
net1Unfavorable Comments;unl1
n01Too Big;c=c123,124)=$51$
n01Not Strong;c=c(123,124)=$52$
n01Too Thick;c=c(123,124)=$57$
n01Too Many Bits;c=c(123,124)=$60$
n01No Comments;c=-
Here, the net for favorable comments has two independent subnets. All respondents commenting favorably about the packaging are included in the first subnet, and everyone commenting favorably about the Taste are included by the second. Anyone who is present in one or both subnets is automatically included in the overall net for favorable comments. The same principle applies to the net for unfavorable comments and its subnets.
The last element of the Texture subnet is followed by a netend1 statement, because the example terminates a net1 and a net2.
To print the net row underneath the elements which it includes, either write the condition in full:
n01All Efficacy Comments;c=c132'29' .or. c133'1/79'
or use the shorthand c=+n. Using the previous example, write:
n01Cleans Well;c=c132'2'
n01Cleans Automatically;c=c132'9'
N01Don't have to Scrub;c=c133'1'
n01All Efficacy Comments (Net);c=+10
This example uses c=+10 because c132’29’ and c133’1/79’ refer to ten lines.
Automatic indentation of element texts
Text-only net elements
Accumulation of suppressed elements by net level
Percentaging with nets
See also
Introduction to axes