Advanced tables and statistics > Laser printed tables with PostScript > Fonts and logos
Fonts and logos
Quick reference
To introduce a list of fonts for the tables, type:
in the font file. Follow this with the names of the fonts to be used, one per line. Terminate the list with:
To scale a font up or down from its default size, enter the font name followed by a space and the scaling factor.
More information
The PostScript laser printer offers a wide variety of typefaces and type styles. The font= option on the a statement determines which parts of the table are printed in which typeface. For example, you might decide to print absolutes in the standard typeface, percentages in italic and the run title in bold.
Quantum provides a standard set of fonts which are used if you use font= but do not name the fonts to use. These are:
The first font in the list is the default font which is used if no other fonts are defined, or if an invalid font= option is given (font=8 when no font is defined for position 8), or if you misspell a font name.
You can also choose to print your tables using a different font to the default. A full list of the fonts available can be obtained from the printer manufacturer. To use a different font, create a font file starting with a line containing the word #fonttable and then list the names of the fonts you want to use, one font name per line. Terminate the list with a line containing the word #endfonttable. For example to print tables using the Avant-Garde font, the font file might be:
Here, the first font corresponds to font=0 (the default font), the second font corresponds to font=1, and so on. If the font= option is:
titles following the a and tab statements are printed in font 2 (AvantGarde-Demi), percentages are printed in font 3 (AvantGarde-DemiOblique), all other numbers are printed in font 1 (AvantGarde-Book), and the page number, date and output type are printed in font 4 (AvantGarde-BookOblique). All other parts of the table are printed in font 0 (AvantGarde-Book).
If you find that the character sizes used in PostScript tables are too small or too large, you can change the default size by defining the font with a scaling factor in the font table section of the font file.
Scaling factors are proportions written as decimal values, so to make characters twice as large you would enter the scaling factor as 2.0. To make the characters one and a half times their default size you need a factor of 1.5, whereas to make the characters 95% of their current size you need a factor of 0.95.
To define a scaling factor, type the font name followed by a space and the scaling factor in the font table. Here is an example that increases the standard character size for the Helvetica font by 35% and the character size for the Times-Roman font by 50%:
Helvetica 1.35
Times-Roman 1.5
If you run tables using this font table, Quantum uses Helvetica as font 0 and Times-Roman as font 1. If you have any font statements that refer to other font numbers you will see error messages when Quantum prints your PostScript tables.
Logos are defined using the PostScript language and are included in the font file after the font definitions. They are printed at the same time as the tables. If you want to include a logo on your tables, contact UNICOM Systems, Inc.
See also
Laser printed tables with PostScript