Tables and axes > More about axes > col statement > Continuing col statements
Continuing col statements
Col statements can be continued using a + in column 1 of the next line. If a response does not fit on the current line, you can split the statement after a semicolon separating two responses.
The continuation must not occur within a set of semicolons; if they do, Quantum assumes that the continued parameter is, in fact, two items not one. For example:
col 121;Base;Inner London=1;Outer London=2;England
+Outside London=3
creates five rows (Base, Inner London, Outer London, England, and Outside London), which is not what you want, but:
col 121;Base;Inner London=1;Outer London=2;
+England Outside London=3
creates four rows, the last being England Outside London.
See also
col statement