Tables and axes > More about axes > Responses with numeric codes: bit > When bit is better than fld
When bit is better than fld
When you have numeric codes and you want simple counts of respondents, it is quicker to use fld than it is to use field and bit. However, if you want to count the number of times each type of restaurant was visited, for example, you must increment the elements of the axis by the number of times each response code appears. Normally, you use inc= to name the column or field to use as the increment, but with fields of numeric codes this is not possible. This is where you choose field and bit instead of fld, because Quantum has already done some of the work for you.
field increments cells of the array each time it finds a particular code. If code 01 appears in the list of fields twice, the value in cell 1 is 2. This is the value by which you need to increment the element count, so you write a bit statement which tells Quantum to do just that. If you want an axis that shows the number of times each type of restaurant was visited, write the bit statement as:
bit restaurants;Base;Mexican;%inc=restaurants1;
If you assume that all respondents are eligible for inclusion in this axis, the base will be the total number of respondents, even though a cell can be incremented by more than one per respondent. For information on inc=, see Data options.
See also
Responses with numeric codes: bit