Advanced tables and statistics > Other tabulation facilities > Sorting tables > Sorting columns
Sorting columns
Quick reference
To sort the columns of a table, type:
on the a, sectbeg, flt, tab or l statement.
The statements:
tab region party;csort
ttlQ3: Which party did you vote for?
ttlBase: All voters
l region
col 110;Base;North;South;East;West
l party
col 126;Base;Labour;Conservative;Liberal/SDP
g        Base      Labour    Conserv-    Liberal/
g                               ative         SDP
p           x           x           x           x
would, depending on the data, produce a table such as:
Q3: Which party did you vote for?
Base: All votes
               Base      Conserv-      Liberal/      Labour
                            ative          SDP

Base            605           229          208          168
North           145            65           37           43
South           194            73           70           51
East            129            42           52           35
West            137            49           59           39
See also
Sorting tables