Advanced tables and statistics > Other tabulation facilities > Sorting tables > Sorting percentages
Sorting percentages
Quick reference
To sort on percentages rather than absolutes, type:
with either sort or csort.
More information
pcsort is not a keyword that you can use by itself: you must use it with sort or csort since these define whether sorting is by rows or columns. Without one of these keywords, Quantum does not know which direction to sort in and therefore ignores pcsort.
The direction of sorting also determines what type of percentages are sorted. If you are sorting vertically in row order with sort, Quantum sorts column (vertical) percentages; if you are sorting horizontally in column order with csort, Quantum will sort row (horizontal) percentages. You cannot sort row percentages in row order or column percentages in column order. In terms of keyword combinations, this means Quantum will sort percentages for the following combinations only:
pcsort; sort; op=2
pcsort; csort; op=0
See also
Sorting tables