Administrative functions > Quantum utilities > Checking column and code usage
Checking column and code usage
Quick reference
To compare column and code usage in the data file with the columns and codes mentioned in the axes of your run, type:
colrep [–a] [–b] [–c] [–h] [–o] [–p]
More information
The colrep program summarizes information found in the holecount and column map files into a single report. Quantum creates a holecount file if the edit section of your program contains a count statement. It always creates a column map file.
To request a report, type:
colrep [options]
where options define the type of output required (see below). If no options are given, a file called colm_ is created listing the columns, codes, and the number of occurrences of each code present in the holecount which are not mentioned in the column map. Columns which are missing from the column map altogether are flagged with the letter M.
Options may be combined as necessary; for example, –ab to request a colm_ file which excludes columns where only blanks are missing, but which shows, for all non-missing columns, the codes not mentioned in the column map file, and the axes in which those columns are used.
Print the names of axes in which each column is used.
M: 104: 1/89 2/88 3/88 4/87 5/88 6/86 7/88 8/87 9/88 0/89
   113: B/2
        extent, bd01, bd03, bd05
   149: 4/23 5/3 6/2 7/2 B/827
        bd02, bd04, bd06
Do not print columns in the colm_ file where only blanks are missing from the axes. In the example above, column 113 would not be printed.
As –a with the addition of a flag marking the way in which the axis is used. Flags are ‘p’ for standard use as a condition, or ‘o’ for a filter option on an n00 statement.
M: 104: 1/89 2/88 3/88 4/87 5/88 6/86 7/88 8/87 9/88 0/89
   113: B/2
        extent/p, bd01/p, bd03/p, bd05/p
   149: 4/23  5/3  6/2  7/2  B/827
        bd02/p, bd04/p, bd06/p
List in the cola_ file the axis names mentioned in the column map file, the columns used in those axes, and any columns used as filters (n00s) in the axes. A colm_ file is also created in the format specified by the options a, b or o.  punches            n00  

extent : 110
bd01   : 111                111            105-108
As –c with the addition of the codes named for each column.  punches            n00     

sex    : 115                111
         1,2,3,4,5,6        1,2

extent : 110
Lists in the file colh_ the columns named in the column map file and, for each column, the codes which are used. A colm_ file is also created in the format specified by the options a, b or o.
   105: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & - B
   106: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & - B
   107: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & - B
   108: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & - B
   109: 1
   110: 1 2 3 4 5
M:    101:  0/878
M:    102:  1/101 2/100 3/96 4/99 5/95 6/99 7/100 8/88 9/1 0/99
      113:  B/2
M:  140:    1/3   2/5   4/75  B/799
    149:    4/23  5/3   6/2   7/2 B/827
In this example, the holecount file shows that 878 records have a ‘0’ in c101. This column is not used in the axes defined for the run and, therefore, does not appear in the column map file. Column 149 is present in both the holecount and column map files. However, the holecount reports 23 records coded c149’4’, three records coded c149’5’, two records coded c149’6’, two records coded c149’7’, and 827 records coded c149 ’ ’ which do not appear in the column map and are therefore not part of any axis.
See also
Quantum utilities