Advanced tables and statistics > Row and table manipulation > Row manipulation
Row manipulation
Quick reference
To create an element by manipulating other elements in the axis, type:
m[element_text]; ex=manip_expression[;options]
More information
Row manipulation is the process whereby a row is created from other rows — for example, by dividing one row by another or adding two or more rows together. These facilities can also be applied to the columns of a table to create new columns from existing ones. However, if a table contains both row and column manipulation, the row manipulation is done before the column manipulation. The explanations of these facilities refer to row manipulation only.
Manipulation can be done to an existing row (that is, one produced by an n01 and so on.) using the keyword ex=, or a new row can be generated with an m statement:
where text is the text to be printed in the table and ex=expression determines how the row or column is to be created. Options define more specifically how the row is to be printed. All options which are valid on an n01 are valid with m, except c=, inc= and wm=. For more information about which options are valid on an n01, see Options on n, col, val, fld and bit statements.
Expressions on M statements
Manipulating the components of an n25
An example of row manipulation
Applying spechar and nz to manipulated elements
See also
Row and table manipulation