Data editing > Running Quantum on UNIX and Microsoft Windows > Creating tables
Creating tables
Quick reference
To create tables, type:
quantum –o [program_file]
More information
The final step in most runs is to take the cell values and use them to create tables. Quantum reads the page and table headings and positions them as requested. If tables are to be sorted, added or placed side by side, the relevant figures are rearranged or combined.
To change the table layout without changing the cell counts (for example, to print more decimal places for percentages, or to use special characters for absolute zero or rounding) you can rerun just the compilation and output stages using the command:
quantum –o [program_file]
If you want to rerun a single table only, you can run the Quantum output program by name rather than via the Quantum shell script. Type:
qout –o tab_file –t table_num
The file to which the table will be written.
The number of the table you want to reprint.
For example, to rerun table 10 and save it in the file tab_10, type:
qout -o tab_10 -t 10
Files created
Files created during this phase which you should know about are:
Cumulative output summary
See also
Running Quantum on UNIX and Microsoft Windows