Data editing > Running Quantum on UNIX and Microsoft Windows > Running more than one job in a directory
Running more than one job in a directory
Quick reference
To run more than one job in a directory, assign a unique suffix to each run by typing:
quantum –id suffix [options] [file_names]
More information
You can run more than one job in a directory without overwriting existing files by assigning a unique suffix to each run. All files created during this run will have names which end with a dot and the given string. For example:
quantum -id abc run1 data
will create the files,,, and so on.
File names that already contain a dot will not have a suffix appended. If your run creates clean and dirty data files, these will retain their original names, clean.q and dirty.q.
Avoid a suffix of Z since this is the suffix assigned to compressed files and it may lead to confusion if compressed files also exist.
See also
Running Quantum on UNIX and Microsoft Windows