Advanced tables and statistics > Special T statistics > T-test on column proportions > Example of a T-test on column proportions
Example of a T-test on column proportions
This example tests the differences between the proportions of people trying various types of wine in London and Manchester. In the comparison between columns B and D (women in London and women in Manchester) a significant difference has been found for those trying brand A: the letter D beside the figure for women in column B indicates that the proportion of women in London is significantly larger than the proportion of women in Manchester. A similarly significant difference exists between columns C and D for brand A. The other comparisons in that row (columns A and B, and A and C) do not produce significant differences at the 90% level.
The program written for this test was:
tab wine ban01;op=2;nopc
tstat prop;elms=AB,CD,AC,BD;clevel=90
l ban01
col 132;Male;%id=A;Female;%id=B
col 132;Male;%id=C;Female;%id=D
l wine
col 111;Brand A;Brand B;Brand C;Brand D;Brand E;Brand F;
+Brand G
The table produced is:
                         London                 Manchester
                  --------------------   -----------------------
                     Male      Female       Male       Female
                      (A)        (B)         (C)         (D)

Base                   90          86          90          73
Brand A                 8           9D          9D          2
Brand B                 8          11          14A         11
Brand C                18B          9          11          10
Brand D                 8           6           7          10
Brand E                21          23          24          22
Brand F                 6           9           7           6
Brand G                21          19D         20D         12
None                   10          14          10          27CB
Proportions: Columns Tested (10% risk) AB / CD / AC / BD
In this example, the test was carried out using a 90% confidence level. This means that significant differences at this level are shown in the table. To see the actual level of significance, you need to look at the P-values.
See also
T-test on column proportions