Advanced tables and statistics > Special T statistics > Testing means using the least significant difference test
Testing means using the least significant difference test
Quick reference
To request a least significant difference test, type:
tstat statistic_name [;options] ;lsd
where statistic_name is mean or propmean.
More information
There is an alternative to testing means using the mean and propmean tests. This involves the use of a least significant difference (LSD) in which the variance is computed across all the columns defined with one elms= keyword at once rather than pairwise.
The calculation used depends on whether the sample is independent (non overlapping) or overlapping. In both cases, the LSD is compared against the difference between each pair of means. When the difference is greater than the LSD it is significant and the column is marked with a letter in that same way as for other tests. The value of the LSD is printed directly under the mean to which it relates and, for each value, Quantum reports the group of elements (non-overlapping groups) or pair of columns (overlapping groups) tested.
To request a least significant difference test
Append the keyword lsd to the tstat statement for your test on column means or column means and proportions.
See also
Special T statistics